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CreateGroup-SmallWhen you’re working to make your business scalable and leveraging what you already have going on, there are four things you need to consider before you formulate a group program.

1. Get very clear about what you want
Think about what you are trying to accomplish. Get really clear about your vision and the big picture you are aiming for. This is a great time to brainstorm and be creative to see what comes out of your ideas. It’s also a great clarity exercise. You need to be clear before starting any execution.

2. Investigate systems and experts who can help
The idea of leveraging your business is to work with a lot more people. This is not something you can do well on your own. You need a team in place to help you execute and keep track of all the elements and client service. There may be alliances that can help fill in the gaps or people who specialize in a part of your plans who you can rely on. This is about “due diligence” preparation so everything lines up smoothly when you are ready to roll out the program.

3. Set criteria for success
By establishing criteria for success, you can determine if the program met your expectations once completed. Think about how much time you want to invest and the money you want to generate. Naturally, you want to feel passionate about the program, have it turn a profit and you want to feel good about your relationship with the team. You don’t want to find out after everything is done that it took too much time or didn’t deliver the anticipated income. Find out how you can address this early on and plan ahead to ensure success.

4. Prepare a timetable
When undertaking a big project, decide on your delivery date. That makes it easy to work backwards on the calendar to plot each step along the way that needs to be completed. Then, you’ll know exactly when you need to start if you plan to be ready by a certain date. Share this timetable with everyone on the team and discuss any concerns. To achieve your goal and complete the project on time, everyone involved needs to agree to the timing.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

While working with a team, one thing that can be very helpful is to have regular status meetings where each member reports on progress made and discusses problems or roadblocks that are encountered. You’ll stay informed about each piece and where you might need to jump in or get extra assistance. Teams that communicate well tend to work better together and achieve their goals in a more satisfying and timely manner.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

When I first began my business, I just focused on staying afloat and (barely) making my bills.

For me, that first period of going solo was all about sheer survival!

I needed to put my nose to the grindstone and just focus on that particular day, and then the next, and then the next.

If that’s what you’re doing, brilliant!

Keep going…


Don’t stay there forever, like the woman whose story I talk about in this week’s video:

Sadly, she kept focused on the day-to-day, every day for her entire career.

This mistake, as you’ll see, was very costly for her down the line.

Hey, I get it. You might still be in the first few years of business, maybe you only have one employee, maybe you have none…

…but it’s never too soon to start thinking about your exit strategy.

Yes, even NOW.

You know, if you’re strategic and you plan now, perhaps you could retire with millions. 😉

And the best thing is that being strategic about this now can actually help you grow your business now, so it’s a win-win.

If you don’t have a plan now for how you’ll exit your business down the line, and start to put some measures in place even now, you might just lose it all one day.

This new kind of thinking requires a shift in mindset.

Watch my new 4-minute video to learn why it’s important to start thinking now about your business in a really long-term way.

And so, this week, I want to make sure to ask you this:

What’s your long term exit strategy for your business? If you don’t have one yet, would it be beneficial for you to start thinking about that now? Why?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I want to read about how this gets you thinking and support you in making those shifts now, OK?

Until next time!

Sending you big hugs,


Losing Clients-SmallHave you ever had a client stop working with you before you completed the project or were finished with your goals? This is not an easy thing to handle and sometimes business owners take this hard. Your ego gets bruised from rejection of this kind.

Well, you’re human so it’s not surprising that you felt the sting. Sometimes clients do not want to finish your program and ultimately it is their decision to make. However, how you handle this is essential to building a business with a good reputation and staying in good standing. Below are four suggestions to help you work through the abrupt end of a work relationship.

1. Take the high road

Above all else, you must handle this ending in a positive, professional manner. Be polite, maintain an even keel and stay calm. You want to part ways with good feelings as much as possible to end on a good note. How you handle the exit leaves a long-term mark, so take the high road whenever you can. Send your client love and wish them the best in the future.

2. This too shall pass

Positive self-talk can help you move past this rejection quickly. It might feel personal, but often your client’s decision is all theirs and has little to do with you. Some people aren’t ready for success or to do the work needed to get the results they want. This resistance can put a strain on your working relationship and manifest as missed appointments and unfinished homework, among a myriad of other things.

3. Review feedback honestly

If you did receive specific feedback, take time to think about it carefully and evaluate if there is any truth in it. Put yourself in the client’s shoes to see if there is room for improvement. You might actually discover something that changes your process, product or service for the better.

4. Therapeutic exercise

Derek and I have both done this exercise. Go into your email, click on compose and type “Working together” into the subject line. Then, draft an email about what you wish you could say to them. Talk about how you felt, what you liked, what you didn’t like and what hurt. There’s no need for blaming or accusations, but present your case.

Do NOT send the email – it’s just for you. This works like a catharsis to get it off your chest and help you let it go. Save it to your drafts or delete it, but make sure you do not hit send. You could also do this in a word document. This is a great way to move on and express yourself without any repercussions. You’ll feel better right away, or the very next day.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

When a client leaves unexpectedly, that might be a good time to review your process. See if you can come up with a step that can be inserted before leaving. Perhaps you add something to your policies about ending the relationship so you address this before it happens. That extra step might give you the chance to turn things around.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

I was chatting with my kids the other day, about a lesson I’ve learned that can apply to every aspect of life…

…especially your business.

Here’s what we talked about over spoonfuls of cereal:

The difference between successful people and those who are not yet successful is the willingness to do what others aren’t willing to do.

(Pretty powerful stuff, actually.)

I recorded this new 4-minute video for you to tell you (vulnerably) about a time I really regret not hopping on a certain plane to meet a certain group of people.

It’s about how the excuses we (unknowingly) use as entrepreneurs hold us back from really growing a business.

After watching the video, would you please get vulnerable too and tell me:

What is the primary excuse you have used in the past that, now that you’re aware of it, typically has stopped you from saying yes to big opportunities?

I’d like to hear what it is in the comments here, OK?

Let’s start taking a no-excuses approach together. It’s the only thing that will separate you from the rest.

Thank you so much for reading this today.

Sending you love, Fabienne

P.S. Oh, before I forget… did you hear about my very exciting news? I’m gifting you a free online course called “Master Your Mindset” starting today where you will learn the secrets of highly successful entrepreneurs, how they get out of their own way continually and play a bigger game in business and in life (and how you can too).

Want in? Cool, here’s where you get access to my new free class. Enjoy!!! 🙂

I have been riding on such a high this week…

First off, anytime I’m on a stage, sharing my wisdom and my love, I’m so, so happy.

And over the past 3 days, I’ve lovingly shown a ballroom full of entrepreneurs who deeply want to change the world (by shining their light brighter) how to do just that.

Lives were changed as they were inspired to achieve what they previously believed was impossible.

Which prompted me to share this with you too, in this week’s new content video…

Perhaps you’ve thought of shooting for something big in your business or your life, but you didn’t know if you could actually do it.

Perhaps it seemed too big, too daunting, too much of a stretch…

Maybe you didn’t even try because you were afraid you could fail, or maybe even succeed!

And here’s what I have learned over the years:

Achieving big, and I mean REALLY BIG, things in your business and life, and actually believing they can happen, is all a matter of…


Yup, in fact, you can watch my 5 minute video here where I describe what I personally do (including my funny face exercise) that has me attempting what most would never attempt.

And achieving it.

It’s so easy that it’s like learning how to ride a bike or how to tie your shoes (you’ll get the reference when you watch the video).

And once you understand this one simple concept, you’ll see that all that was once impossible for you can now be easy.

I’m curious, what is it that you’ve accomplished in your life or business that once seemed impossible? Please tell me in the comments here, OK?

Can’t wait to “read” you and respond. xo

p.s. Speaking of attempting the impossible, not sure if you know, but I’m going on Tour to several U.S. cities this summer! Yes, I’m going on the road for my Millionaire Entrepreneurs Mindset Secrets road show, and for the first time ever, it’s free. Interested? Curious about where I’m going and what I’m going to talk about on Tour? I’ll be sharing more information, like how to sign up, soon… keep an eye out! 🙂

WritingBook-smMany students tell me they have a book inside them waiting to come out, but they’re confused as to how to begin writing a book. I have written three books myself, and along the way I have learned a lot about what not to do. I’m happy to share what I learned from my book writing blunders to help you be smarter about writing yours.

For me, the biggest time waster in pulling a book together is when I try to strategize at the same time I am writing and being creative. These two tasks conflict, cannot be done simultaneously and will get in the way of your progress.

The next time I’m ready to begin writing a book, my approach will be to follow these five steps:

1. Create a tight table of contents
I found it much more productive to spend a month or two – or even six – getting very clear on exactly what I wanted to write about. Invest your time in coming up with a very structured Table of Contents, which becomes your outline. Think about all the topics you want to cover and organize them into chapters.

2. Choose 5 – 10 sub-points for each chapter
Under each chapter topic, define the 5 – 10 sub-points you’ll be making. These points need to be super clear, chronological steps that lead the reader through your material one step at a time.

3. Review your outline for consistency
Before you write a single word, look through your entire Table of Contents to be sure it all makes sense and is in the best possible order. You might see steps that need switching because the order is better another way.

4. Flush out each chapter
To make the writing as easy as possible, you want to get your thinking done before you even start. Knowing what you are going to write about makes the process flow so much more smoothly. Sharpen up your vision with plenty of details. To help, ask yourself the following questions for each chapter:

  • What is the concept?
  • Why is that important?
  • How do you do it?
  • What story, analogy, personal experience or client example can you share about that to help people relate?

5. Write the book
After completing the first four steps, you are now ready to sit down and write. You have all the strategizing out of the way. What’s remaining is the creative process of putting words on paper and expressing your ideas. Now, you won’t be bogged down by wondering what you want to say – it has all been clarified in your Table of Contents ahead of time. Follow this advice so writing your book will be a much easier and faster journey.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Do you have a book inside you waiting to emerge? Set aside time in your calendar on a regular basis to come up with your core concept. What is your message? What do you have to share with the world? Invest this time up front and your book is far more likely to become a reality.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

OK, I have to admit… I’m a terrible singer.

I’m good at other things, but not that.

And so I want to apologize for spontaneously going into song in this week’s new content video I made for you (it wasn’t planned).

Despite the singing though, I included some pretty useful strategies I use when things don’t go according to plan:

Listen, if life and business were all filled with unicorns and rainbows, we’d all be bored after a while (I think).

Course correction is what keeps things interesting in business and in life.

Like you, every once in a while, I experience things that don’t pan out like I thought they would, even with the best-laid plans and years of expertise.

I’d love to say I’m always in my “spiritual place” about it at first, but truth be told, I get disappointed and frustrated like the next guy.

At first.

But then, I remember the lessons I’ve gathered over these many years of experiencing frustrating outcomes and I use these 4 strategies to turn any “failure” into something positive that ultimately makes me very happy.

And successful.

I hope that it’s somehow timely for you and that you can use some of these best practices.

Enjoy! If you liked this video, share it with your network by clicking the links to the left.

And in the comments below this video, I’d love to hear from you regarding your insights on this week’s topic. Please post your comment below, OK?

You may not realize it, but people don’t just work with you because of your splashy (or not) business brand.

Many, actually most, will actually hire you or buy your products because of how you show up in the world, meaning, what you stand for and who you are as a person. That’s called your personal brand and it’s where the big bucks are.

Do you know what yours is yet? How are you strategically using it online? This new 4-minute content video I put on my blog will show you how to craft yours authentically:

Enjoy! If you liked this video, share it with your network by clicking the links to the left.

And in the comments below this video, I’d love to hear from you regarding your insights on this week’s topic. Please post your comment below, OK?

Confusion-SmallNo matter what level of business you have achieved, chances are you will feel confused several times along the way. It happens throughout your business growth at nearly every substantial transition. I recently learned the theory behind why confusion sets in, which is what I’m going to share with you today.

First, let’s take the word confusion and imagine cutting into two pieces. You are actually confused when different concepts get fused together. This happens when your old paradigm is not fully integrated with your new paradigm. Your business model is “out of sorts” in a way and things are not aligned to work most effectively.

Your mind is made up of different parts. The Einstein brain is the right prefrontal cortex and the Frankenstein brain is the left prefrontal cortex. What happens when you are trying to multiply your business results? The lack of alignment triggers your Frankenstein brain, which includes your ego. That’s how the panic point or terror barrier gets activated.

This is where you start to doubt yourself. You might get tripped up as you realize you don’t have enough self-esteem, the knowledge or the resources you need. As a result, you can end up going in circles, feeling confused about what your next move should be. You might feel stymied, stuck and unsure of which way to go. So, you get stalled and stagnate until you can figure it out.

Another way to look at this problem is by thinking about your future self pulling you into the future while your past and ego are working to keep you where you are. You’re being pulled in two different directions. Or you might see this as an internal tug of war. This is why you end up going in circles, feeling confused and not sure how to find your way out or move forward.

When I look back at my own journey, this has happened every time I was about to get to the next big level. Not necessarily the small steps, but the really big jumps in growth and expansion. So, if this sounds terribly familiar, take heart. You may in fact be on the verge of a large growth spurt, bringing you to a totally new level never before achieved.

Keep in mind that everyone goes through this. People don’t move ahead without experiencing a little confusion. When the clarity finally shows up and the clouds clear, your self-esteem builds and you know what to do next. Congratulations for reaching this plateau and then moving on to reach new levels in your business life.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you are stuck and feeling confused, there are a few things to do to move past this phase. 1. Ask your accountability buddy (do you have one?) to see if he or she has any suggestions. 2. Speak to a mentor if you have one who might provide some insight for you. 3. Find a couple of books that can help you figure out a solution to your struggles. A little education can go a long way to clear up confusion.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

JointVenture-SmallWorking with joint venture (JV) partners is a powerful way to grow your business. You can recommend and promote each other to extend your exposure and the number of people who learn about what you do. This is a great addition to other traditional means of list building, like collecting names at speaking engagements and offering a free gift on your website.

A recommendation from another professional adds credibility when you are being introduced to a new group of potential clients. This helps prospects open up to what you have to say and makes them more willing to consider your offer.

A good JV partner has alignment with your business
For a successful partnership, you need to have several things aligned in your two businesses:

1. You share the same target audience
2. Your businesses are not competitive
3. You are both trying to grow your business
4. You have similarly sized businesses

Reach out to potential partners
After you have identified some potential joint venture partners, the question is how do you connect with them? Below I’ve shared three different methods and each one can work very well.

1. Introductions. The best way to connect with a potential new partner is to be introduced by someone you know in common. This helps break through any possible barriers and starts to build trust early. Check LinkedIn to find connections if none immediately come to mind.

2. Leverage your intuition. Email a person you feel would be a good partner and say something like, “I keep getting these intuitive hints that we should be talking. Not sure if you believe in that sort of thing, but if you are open to it, I’d like to jump on the phone for a few minutes to see what we’re supposed to do together.”

3. Offer to contribute. If you know someone running a program with a bunch of JV partners and you’d like to be included, email and simply ask, “I see that you are having a great telesummit and I’m open to being a contributor. If you’re open to that, I would love to talk with you. There may be a way I can reciprocate and we’ll see where it goes.”

At first this kind of contact may seem awkward to you. Don’t worry, because after a little practice, you’ll feel more comfortable. Your skills will improve as you reach out to people and start getting a good response. Not everyone will be open to your offer to work together, but you don’t need them all. A few good, committed partners will help you grow your business faster than you can on your own.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
What kind of partners would you like to work with? Take time this week to look at business owners who serve the same target audience. Investigate how they work and present themselves. Make a list of the best potential partners you’ve discovered and then start reaching out.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
