Personal note from Fabienne Archives - Page 2 of 5 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

I’m flying sooooooo high!

Just got home after wrapping up my three-day Mindset Retreat in Florida.

While my body is physically tired (I napped 3 times this weekend!), my heart is bursting with joy.

The feedback from the 350+ attendees, about how life-changing the Mindset event is, was incredibly moving for me, as it is every year:


And together, the attendees and I increased the number of schools we’re building in Kenya, Africa to a total of 16 schools, educating thousands of children who would otherwise never experience the life-transforming power of an education, clear water, medical attention and nutritious meals daily.

As I hugged each of the hundreds of attendees good-bye, many told me with eyes welled up in tears that this event will have a lasting impact on them, for the rest of their lives.

Hey, just checking, were you able to join our livestream session on Friday?

I made available a session of the event as a sneak peek, behind the scenes, “backstage pass” for those interested in learning a little more about Mindset Retreat and its results, even though they couldn’t join us. Did you see us live?

If not, because many are asking, we have the recording of that session for you here:

Just click here and you’ll be directed to the “live session from stage” replay.

I hope you take advantage of this peek inside the Mindset Retreat event and GET INSPIRED!

And maybe, just maybe, I’ll see you there next year or perhaps we’ll even start working together before then? 😉

Have a great day, and let me know what you think of the broadcast!


p.s. During this session, I invited some students from The Client Attraction Business School™ to share their inspirational success stories on stage. I hope these stories inspire you too and remind you that anything is possible when you step up to change your mindset and play a bigger game.

I believe every entrepreneur needs that reminder from time to time – so this is my gift to you. Enjoy this session!

This week, I had an amazing half-day strategy session with my Sapphire level client, Tina Forsyth of Tina flew in with her own Online Business Manager (and even Skyped in her husband) for a powerful big vision, strategy and implementation in-person meeting at my home. We spent our time mapping out the entire plan for multiplying her existing successful business (and launching another lucrative business) to have her reach 7 figures within the next 12-18 months. She walked away knowing exactly what to do for the next 6 months, including a detailed timeline. She was thrilled! The great news is that Tina’s alreadyearned back her entire coaching investment in just two months of our working together. (How’s that for ROI?) We then celebrated with wine and a 4-course chef-prepared private lunch at my home. Delicious!

Tina is the perfect example of a successful entrepreneur who strategically seeks out massive, high-level guidance and support to reach the next BIG goals she’s set for her business–and her life. It’s all about understanding and using the ‘Power of Association’. We all need to work with others who can show us the fastest path to increasing our own business, no matter what level we’re in, even when we’re just starting out. What about you? What high-level support are you getting for your own business? Are you using the Power of Association to reach your own big goals. I describe how crucial this is in my brand new video that explains it all. Watching it can be the first step in finally getting the results you want for your business and soaring.

Which reminds me, after you watch the video I posted above, take a look at my Facebook page to see some other success videos I’ve posted over the last week from my Gold and Platinum clients. Truly inspiring. You’ve got to watch them…

Woohoooo!! Last week was my live ‘Get More Clients’ workshop, held in Stamford, CT. I was so honored to be in the company of 200+ heart-centered entrepreneurs who have made it their mission to play really BIG in their businesses by reaching more prospects, getting more ideal clients and sharing their gifts and talents with the world.

I was really inspired by the amazing energy that pulsed through that grand ballroom for those two days. The attendees had such enthusiasm for my content and passion for what they do, that it all touched me on such a deep level. In return, my goal was to give them so, so much, and from the overwhelming feedback I received, we succeeded… giving them practical tools like scripts, templates, sequences, resources and cheat sheets to follow, along with demonstrations, hot seat makeovers and sharing the success of others who’ve applied these techniques.

And of course, let’s not forget the cocktail party, the dancing, bonding and networking that we did as well! It was truly a memorable event for me. And now, I’m excited to start working directly with the attendees who are joining me for continued teaching, masterminding, access and support through my Winners Academy coaching programs. How about you? Are you ready to get the support and coaching you need to take YOUR business to the next level? Be on the look out for a special announcement from me this week, along with a sneak peek of exclusive video footage taken at the event. Stay tuned…

Oh, on another note, I just got word last Thursday that is officially in the running for the 2011 Inc. 500 list of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States! I was literally jumping up and down when I got the news! Cross your fingers with me until July…

Last week, we hosted the 3rd retreat of the Platinum/Sapphire Mastermind year and WOW, did we witness some amazing breakthroughs and successes in the bragging session! One member increased her revenues by 154% over the previous year, another made $600k, one created and filled an association, another made $750k, one made a million dollars for the first time last year, one wrote and published a coffee table book, and the list of successes and achievements goes on and on! After two days of total immersion in solutions, strategies and BIG thinking for scaling their businesses and multiplying their income, I decided it was time to let loose and really celebrate all their successes! So, we invited everyone to our new home for a Valentine’s themed dessert reception catered by the best catering company in town.

Red feather boas, red velvet cupcakes, heart shaped raspberry cookies, chocolate pot-de-creme, cosmopolitans, red wine, laughter and a fiercely competitive (and hysterical) game of Reverse Charades gave us all a chance to just really let go and enjoy. In life, I think it’s important to make time to let your hair down, laugh out loud and let yourself PLAY! There’s no easier time to do this than when you’re surrounded by people who truly “get you.” In my mastermind groups we create an environment where you are loved unconditionally, championed and genuinely supported by fellow entrepreneurs who understand you and appreciate you. Family, friends and neighbors are important people in our lives too – but let’s face it, no one gets you like a fellow entrepreneur! What a fun night we had! (Check out some of the photos posted on Facebook.)

Last week’s ‘Get More Clients Secrets’ intro event in New York was a HUGE success. We had an amazing group of entrepreneurs (115 in all) join me for a full afternoon and evening of important concepts and pragmatic client attraction strategies to help them make more than they’ve ever made before, consistently. (Derek took out his Flip camera and shot quick videos of me on stage. I posted them on Facebook.)

I taught for over 3 hours on client attractive marketing including attracting ideal clients, creating irresistible marketing messages, closing the sale virtually every time, building systems for your marketing and filling your pipeline consistently so you NEVER worry about having enough clients again. I also did two of my famous “hot seat” marketing makeovers – and together we all got to witness both businesses TRANSFORM with possibilities. I have to say – what makes events like these so incredibly special is all the love and support in the room. It’s a very unique ‘entrepreneurial energy’ coming from a room filled with like-minded people, facing similar goals and challenges and each possessing a similar drive for success with a big vision and purpose for their business – and their life.

At the end of the evening, I told them about my brand new LIVE ‘Get More Clients’ 2-day marketing workshop taking place April 4-5 here in Stamford, CT (just outside of NYC.) They got so much value from just the 3 hours of what I taught last night on how to get clients consistently (and exactly how to move up quickly to the 5% of entrepreneurs who make more than $100,000 a year) that the 2-day event was a no-brainer. And I’m happy to say that half the room signed up to join me in April! (We’re going to change some lives, I know it…)

What about you? Would you like to be part of the migration we’re starting, of entrepreneurs moving from the 95% of those not making what they want to be making to the elite 5% who make more than $100K in their own business? If so, then join me LIVE in April. You can get all the details and see dozens of success stories here.

Last week, our private access client Christine Kane came to Stamford for another one of her private full day retreats with Derek and me. In just 9 months of working together at the Diamond Level of the Winners AcademyChristine reached her million-dollar goal this past year. Let me tell you, we were celebrating! In fact, after mapping out her marketing plan for 2011, including her launch schedule and income-forecast for the year, we noticed how simple it will be for her to more than double last year’s income, authentically. And she deserves every bit of it…

Ironically, when we were toasting with Champagne at dinner together with Derek and Christine’s Director of Operations that night, we all discussed the fact that the best part of reaching your big 7-figure goal is actually NOT related to the dollar-amount. You might be surprised to hear that it’s actually pretty anti-climactic. What really mattered to her (and it was the same for me when I reached the same milestone a few years ago) is WHO YOU BECOME as a person in the process of achieving that goal. It’s actually a profound personal, even spiritual experience that can never be taken away from you and it’s something only someone who’s been through it can teach you. Christine is a beautiful person inside and out and another example of my ideal client. I cherish the great friendship and trust we’ve cultivated over this first year together and I can’t wait for more!

Speaking of ideal clients and reaching or exceeding your goals this year… Have you registered for my “spill-the-beans” FREE-training call yet? It’s happening this week and I don’t want you to miss out on all the high content I’m giving you. Not only will I show you how you can always have a practice full of the yummiest clients, I’ll also show you how you keep them and have them happily refer other clients to you again and again. It’s all happening on February 9th (this Wednesday) and I want you to be there, so register today before we run out of space.

This week was filled with big breakthroughs for my clients. A yummy Sapphire level client came for her private in-person visit and happily announced she increased her revenues to close to three quarters of a million-dollars last year since working together, while being more true to herself and her calling. She’s back for a second round of working together to multiply her already exciting results this year, and step more boldly into her divine purpose. I also hosted a closed-door one day Coaching Intensive (see picture of one of the attendees above) with a handful of entrepreneurs who came to get clarity on their message and their big vision and to have me craft their exact marketing plan for them, along with the steps and plan needed to implement it in the shortest time possible. It was really moving for some to see that this is finally possible for them too. This Coaching Intensive day will become a defining moment in their lives. My heart is full and when “work” feels this good, it can only mean that I’m living my divine purpose too, through helping other entrepreneurs live theirs.

As you may know, over the last three weeks I have devoted the majority of my time toward finishing up my book on the mindset for lasting success. It’s been a transformational experience for me – cathartic, reflective, and even challenging at times (it takes real resolve to apply the seat of your pants to the seat of a chair!) Carving out this dedicated time with the support of my family and my yummy clients, and creating a space-physically, emotionally and spiritually – that supports me in doing this important work has made ALL the difference. I’m so grateful that I’m able to do this. The good news is that I’ve completed two thirds of the book as of today and that I’m so, so pleased with what I’ve written so far. Without trying to sound presumptuous, I sometimes sit here and I imagine the thousands of lives these words will change – I get really moved by the thought of it.

Before I get back to writing, I want to make sure that you had a chance to watch my new video in which I demonstrate my son Oliver’s new learning toy AND what it takes for YOU to accelerate your efforts to get more ideal, high paying clients in record time. In it, I announce the launch of my brand new program that will GUARANTEE that you get more clients, and make a lot more mon-ey, in 48 hours spent with me. Take a few minutes to check it out because in it, I’ve made you a really amazing offer: I’ll teach you everything you need to ever know about getting clients consistently over just 2 days, for less than a pair of fancy designer shoes. But please know that this ridiculously LOW, unheard-of pre-registration tuition only lasts for only one short week. So, now’s your only chance to act and I’d really love to see you in person this April. Watch the video here and lock in the super-low tuition today (yes, you can always change your mind later, no problem.)

Happy New Year!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday. I’m spending a couple of weeks hosting family and friends and spending so much time with the kids. For Christmas, we hosted family for our traditional Swedish Smorgasbord (think traditional Swedish mulled wine Glögg and endless courses eaten by a roaring fire.) Then, our friends started arriving for the New Year celebration. We were about 12 adults for New Year’s and it was a blast. You have to live life like you mean it, so once again we rolled up the carpet in the great room around midnight and moved furniture for some late night dancing! It was so much fun! Hope you had great time tonight too…

Hey, amidst all the parties, I just want to make sure you take some time this weekend to really map out what you want to create for yourself this coming year (this article will show you how). I’m carving out about a couple of hours on Sunday to do the same. It’s going to be a great year ahead!

Woohoooo! This week marked my national television debut! Just recently, I was asked to be interviewed on Lifetime TV’s The Balancing Act to discuss important aspects of business building for women and the similarities between running a successful business and a family (hint: SYSTEMS and MARKETING!) My kids LOVED seeing their mommy on TV and even seeing glimpses of themselves on the show. They were so cute about it! Thank you for all the amazing feedback and your kind words of support and love. It means the world to me.

As you know, I believe that to achieve big success in your business, you must be willing to play a bigger game, and continually stretch past your comfort zone. For me, that means going full throttle this coming year with more media, bigger speaking opportunities, more prominent joint ventures and more online visibility – all so we can reach so many more people who need my help. This past year, I set the intention to make 2011 a HUGE year of exposure for my message, and the opportunities have already started showing up in my life. It’s a really exciting time – and I’ll continue sharing it all with you to inspire you to do the same.


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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