Marketing mindset tips for women business owners Archives - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

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My video tip for you today involves learning How to implement more. Did you know that most entrepreneurs aren’t wired to see things all the way through to successful completion, as much as we are to START things. That’s right, it’s very likely that you’re not wired to get things done – so give yourself a break already and STOP struggling.

I admit it, I’m not a finisher. The word ‘entrepreneur’ comes from the French word, ‘entreprendre’ – which means to undertake, to launch, to begin. I’m a true entrepreneur through and through. I’m great at starting things, but not finishing them. And guess what? If your ideas aren’t being implemented – if someone isn’t seeing them through to completion – then you won’t get the results you’re looking for in your business! It’s as simple as that.

To see results, you must figure out how you’re wired. When I coach my Platinum (and higher level) clients, one of the first things we do together is figure out how they’re wired. If you don’t figure this out, you’ll continue to struggle.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

  1. Understand how you’re wired. Are you someone who starts things, or are you someone who completes things? If you’re a starter, you need to surround yourself with people who are finishers. Even if it’s part time or a virtual person a few hours a week, you’ll need someone to take care of the things that you’ve started.
    Discipline and willpower are not going to work if you’re not wired to finish projects. Surround yourself with people who will finish things for you.
  2. Create time in your day. You need uninterrupted time where you can work on things that need to be finished because there will be things that you cannot delegate. Set it in your calendar, like a client appointment, then those things will get done.
  3. Set up accountability measures.  When you have people holding you accountable for implementing, it will help you focus. My best advice is to get a high level mentor or join a mastermind group that focuses on accountability and implementation. If you don’t have that, you’ll get distracted and you won’t get as much done. You want to talk to someone daily who will help you finish the things that you start.

Use these 3 tips to bypass discipline and go straight to implementation. Remember, when you implement, that’s when you make more money. When you focus on implementing money-generating activities and money-generating implementation, you will multiply your income dramatically.

© 2011 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Over 400 lives were changed this summer during my Mindset Entrepreneur Millionaire Secrets tour! The enthusiastic feedback and kind words keep coming in from all over. It truly was a transformational day for those who attended learning how to stretch themselves to serve their life’s mission by getting out there in a BIG way.

They accepted the challenge! I taught them to make more money and to have a greater impact on the world through their business and to truly be ‘financially independent’ they MUST live their message. Notes from Dallas and Atlanta and emails from New York and Los Angeles are telling me these clients have already garnered MORE clients and experienced – in just one afternoon! They experienced amazing transformational personal growth.

To change your mindset for success, it takes authentic content, raw honesty and crystal-clear transparency (on my part and yours). To get the exact tools needed to get out of your way, get unstuck, play a WAY bigger game in your business, and bring your message out to the world, so that you can get handsomely rewarded for it while making a massive difference. Huge breakthroughs all around!

If you weren’t able to make a tour stop (or if we didn’t make it to your town), today is your lucky day! I’m hosting a live replay of the Los Angeles event on Tuesday, August 16 at 1 p.m. Eastern (NY) time! You’ll want to make a point to clear your schedule, get a big notebook and a tall glass of lemonade, for sure. You can watch an inspiring segment of it from the comfort of your home. Then, get cozy, click on this link and prepare to be inspired:

(here I am last night opening up a "just because" gift from Derek)

I’m really looking forward to the holiday weekend… We’re throwing a Memorial Day barbeque on Sunday afternoon for our friends and their children. I’ve got the whole menu planned (think Cuban! – Mojitos and spicy chicken) and we’ll have some lawn games like croquet and badminton and fun Cuban music piping through the house and the backyard. Remember, I’m always telling you to live life like you mean it! What’s the point of being self-employed if you don’t enjoy yourself. I can’t wait…

Hey, before you head off to enjoy your own weekend, I want to remind you about my brand new Get More Clients Blueprint,the program that will teach you exactly how to get several new clients in the next few days and Join the Top 5% of income-earning business owners this year. Here’s where you can get more details and order TODAY before it’s too late:

Woohoooo! This week marked my national television debut! Just recently, I was asked to be interviewed on Lifetime TV’s The Balancing Act to discuss important aspects of business building for women and the similarities between running a successful business and a family (hint: SYSTEMS and MARKETING!) My kids LOVED seeing their mommy on TV and even seeing glimpses of themselves on the show. They were so cute about it! Thank you for all the amazing feedback and your kind words of support and love. It means the world to me.

As you know, I believe that to achieve big success in your business, you must be willing to play a bigger game, and continually stretch past your comfort zone. For me, that means going full throttle this coming year with more media, bigger speaking opportunities, more prominent joint ventures and more online visibility – all so we can reach so many more people who need my help. This past year, I set the intention to make 2011 a HUGE year of exposure for my message, and the opportunities have already started showing up in my life. It’s a really exciting time – and I’ll continue sharing it all with you to inspire you to do the same.

Sometimes, you just KNOW there’s something you need to take action on to take your business forward. However, if you’re anything like me, you’ve gotten stopped in the past, even when it’s something you KNOW will create big results. You procrastinate, you tidy up your office, get another cup of coffee, ANYTHING to not get it done. Ever have that happen to you?

There are different reasons why you may be stalling from taking action. It could be that you don’t know the next steps, that you’re not sure how to move forward. That happens, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Most likely, it’s something deeper.

For me, the procrastination in moving forward is directly tied to the outcome, especially when the outcome really means a lot to me. When it’s something meaningful, something BIG, it’s a combination of, “Wow, I hope I don’t screw this up” and simultaneously, “What will happen if I succeed? Can I really handle the success and the abundance that will come my way? Am I really cut out for this much good stuff coming into my life?” (Just writing that seems ridiculous, but that’s what sometimes comes up, and I KNOW I’m not the only one.)

That’s what I call your INNER game of Client Attraction (mindset) dictating your OUTER game of Client Attraction (marketing.) (more…)

“Let’s say you have several clients you absolutely LOVE (they get great results from working with you, they pay you on time and never negotiated, you like them, they send referrals, etc.). Avoid focusing too much on what hasn’t helped you attract many clients in the past, but rather, what HAS worked. That’s what you want to focus on. Just do more of the same!”


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
