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I’ve mentored a few already-successful solopreneurs recently who walk the line between ‘high-achiever’ and ‘overachiever’ and let me tell you, there IS a difference. You’ve heard me say many times that I work best with high-achieving go getters who know exactly what they want (usually it’s more clients, more in-come, with more time off to enjoy it all) and who say to me, “Fabienne, show me how to do it and I’ll do exactly what you say.” That’s the kind of person who sees results.

But sometimes, there’s a different breed of person. The person who takes on too much, too fast, and seems to always be RACING towards the next level. (I know firsthand about this, I used to be one.) The ‘high-achiever’ sets high goals and then does what it takes to make those goals happen. The ‘overachiever’ seems to want to accumulate just for the sake of accumulating. (I know, because again, I used to think like that.)

A few years ago, a coaching colleague asked me, “Hey, I notice that you move at a very fast pace. What’s the deal? Why do you feel the need to accomplish so much in such a short period of time?” I was stunned actually. Didn’t quite know how to answer. So I said, “It’s a game for me. Seeing how much I can accomplish is fun.” But it took me a while to “get” what he was trying to say.

I think that I was focused on accumulation rather than service. It was about amassing clients and in-come, probably having to do with proving something to someone from a bazillion years ago. Yes, it was a game, a competition against self, but was there a point to it all? Probably mo-ney, but even that is just a number sometimes. It began to feel like a hamster wheel, an empty process. There seemed to be no meaning to accomplishment at a fast pace.

It’s when I stepped back and looked into the REASON for why I started this business that it stopped being a race. I got focused on SERVICE again, on my purpose and skills, and why I got into this in the first place. I think I’d lost that along the way. The minute I realized this, Client Attraction became less about filling a void, and more about being of service. Less about accumulation, and more about really making a serious difference in people’s lives and businesses.

Being focused on service, I started being happier, clients got even better results, our friendship was deeper and even more satisfying, and the best part was, it stopped feeling like WORK. I started getting a feeling that I couldn’t believe I was being paid (well) for doing something so gratifying. And then I noticed something…

Ironically, when I tapped back into SERVICE, that’s when my in-come began growing much more rapidly. That’s when the referrals started pouring in again. That’s when my numbers started really increasing dramatically. That’s when bigger and bigger opportunities began coming my way.
He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.” –Confucius


Notice how you approach your business. Does it feel like a race for the mo-ney, rather than being of service to others in a BIG way? Has the MEANING of what you’re doing gotten lost along the way? Is it more about accumulation now? If so, take a step back and reconnect to the reason you got into this in the first place: service and the DIFFERENCE you can make in people’s lives. That’s what’s going to make you happy.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not even close to suggesting that you should stop marketing and setting up systems for everything in your business. What I am saying is, couple this with consistently working on implementing your marketing and Client Attraction strategies, and attracting clients will become big time easy (then the in-come will naturally follow).

Want to know more about attracting all the clients you’ll ever need? As you know, I just launched my BRAND NEW Get More Clients Blueprint DVD/CD Homestudy System (based on the SOLD-OUT live event). You’ll discover all of my best Client Attraction strategies while I take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the process of earning way more in your small business. Take a moment to watch this high content video that explains it all at But keep in mind the Early Bird discount expires TODAY, Friday May 27th. (You’ll save $500.) Don’t miss out!

© 2011 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine?

No problem! But here is what you MUST include:

Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the
Client Attraction SystemTM , the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your in.come, visit


I recorded this new video success tip based on something I live everyday in my business.

We entrepreneurs, regardless of what level of business we’re at, often find ourselves staring fear right in the face. Hey, it simply comes with the territory of climbing out on that limb and taking certain risks (risks that others aren’t necessarily willing to take…) in order to accomplish our BIG goals.

I share my secret on how to get THROUGH that fear and come out on the other side with all the success you desire. Make this tip part of your daily routine and you’ll experience the POWER of positive expectation because what you have in your life is based on what you EXPECT.

I see it at work everyday in my own life and in that of my client’s. I hope you’ll put it to work in yours too…

[youtube width=”576″ height=”346.5″][/youtube]

Professionals don’t discount. Period. Your lawyer doesn’t. Neither does your doctor. A set rate is a set rate. At least for them.

But what about you? Having a sale on products you sell to generate interest or say ‘thanks’ is fine, once in a while. It even makes people excited to test out your stuff. But have you ever felt the temptation to discount your services to sign on more clients? Come on, be honest.

Worse, you may be someone who has a “sliding scale,” meaning you determine what to charge once you get that prospective client in front of you. You’ve got to stop doing that! It’s about the worse thing you can do for your reputation, Client Attraction, and practice building.

Now, many people feel the pull to offer discounts to friends and people who can’t seem to afford their services. Here’s my thought about that: it devalues your services dramatically and shows others you’ve given them permission (as well as yourself) to think your services are not worth what you charge for them.

While you’re at it, you’re also giving them a signal to keep taking advantage of you over and over again. I remember when I was doing nutrition counseling, back many years ago, I was “pressured” by a client to give a discount. I was in a place where I “needed” clients, so I gave in, thinking that this person would not have signed up if I hadn’t knocked off those last $200 or $300.

I found I resented that client the entire time we worked together. Somehow, I was a little angry that I was forced into this and I found myself giving less of myself in our sessions. I didn’t like what I was doing. I just felt used. (Has that ever happened to you?)

It became clear that when someone takes an inch (asking for a discount and getting it), they’ll then try to take a mile (not believing the policies and procedures apply to them). I had to set up a whole bunch of boundaries in the relationship. Needless to say, the whole thing was a disaster and if I’d stuck to my original rate the first time (my boundaries around my rates) I wouldn’t have had this problem throughout.

Discounting is not necessarily good news for you and your reputation. Here’s what you can do instead. Offer different options, and different programs to fit all different budget levels. Let there be something for everyone’s budget, that way, you don’t HAVE to discount.

Your assignment:

Make a pact with yourself now that you will never discount. Yes, right now. Trust me on this one.

If the person still cannot afford your services, that’s OK. Avoid the temptation to reduce your rates, even “just this one time, because I like you.” (This is especially important for those who don’t have a full practice and really NEED the money.)

Let them know you’ll be here to help them whenever they’re able to. Most times, people come back to sign up for one of your programs when they can afford it a few weeks later. It’s worth the wait.

Instead, create different offerings at different price points to have something there for different types of clients and different budget levels. Wanna see how I set up different packages and programs with different price points, so there’s something for everyone? It’s easy and it’s all in the Client Attraction Home Study System™, the “bible” for attracting all the clients you need with proven, systematic processes that will help you fill your practice quickly and consistently, guaranteed. Here’s where you can get a copy:

© 2010 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine?

No problem! But here’s what you MUST include:

Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System , the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit .

Have you ever become a victim of your own perfection paralysis when it comes to marketing yourself? I talked to a few clients this week who have been toying with the idea of putting together a talk to promote their services for months but haven’t done anything about it. The problem is they’re waiting to have the talk written, finished, practiced, the flyer completed and have a list of marketing sources that are lined up to promote the thing before actually selecting a date and getting it done. NONSENSE!

If I’d waited to have all things perfectly settled before moving forward with a talk, I’d still have only 3 or 4 clients in my practice, and believe me, I wouldn’t be moving forward very quickly. Instead, I believe in scrapping this traditional route and going backwards. Ask any clients of mine and they’ll tell you I’m notorious for getting my clients to commit to a date 4 weeks from today (yes, we actually have them pull out their calendar and select the date right then and there) and book the space, time, and title of the talk, before anything else is done.

What are my clients’ reactions? Yup, you guessed it… “YIKES! I need to get my butt in gear and get things going! I’m giving a talk in 4 weeks!!!”

Magically, everything always gets done. The talk is written, finished, practiced, the flyer is completed and they have a list of marketing sources lined up to promote the thing, and always before the deadline. I call this being PULLED forward by your marketing, instead of being a victim of Perfection Paralysis.

When you set yourself up to stop procrastinating and to start working to make it happen, it works every time. In the past, I too have dragged my feet on picking a date for an event I wanted to give. ‘Should I have it in the summer, should I wait ‘til fall?’ Since nothing was happening, I pulled out my calendar, picked a date, gave my credit card number to reserve the space and then made it happen, and you can too! There’s nothing like setting a deadline and getting in gear to make it happen.

Your Client Attraction Assignment:

Your turn. Are you procrastinating putting together a seminar or big event to market your services and reach out to your prospective clients? End the questioning NOW and just pick a date. Commit and then everything will fall into place because you’ll HAVE to get it done. Now, that’s what I call being pulled by your future. Use your business coach or a buddy as an accountability benchmark, and then send them an email with the date of your newly scheduled seminar or workshop. The most accountable thing you can do though is to pay for the space ahead of time. That’ll get you moving! 🙂

If you like the idea of this unconventional way to market that gets you clients, you’ll love the Client Attraction Home Study System™ for attracting all the clients you need with proven, systematic processes that will help you fill your practice quickly and consistently, guaranteed. Here’s where you can get your own copy:

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine?

No problem! But here’s what you MUST include:

Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Mentor, is founder of the Client Attraction System , the proven step-by-step program that shows you exactly how to attract more clients, in record time…guaranteed. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive her weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit

“The day you plant the seed is NOT the day you eat the fruit. Don’t worry, don’t get frustrated, be persistent. It’s on its way to you.” That’s a thought that always stays with me in taking my business (or one of my clients’ businesses) to the very next level. Thing is, we’re conditioned through the media that everything is supposed to happen miraculously quickly in our lives:

“Thinner thighs in 30 days”

“Quit smoking in 2 hours”

“Build your list to 30,000 people in 4 months”

“Sell $100,000.00 worth of products in 2 hours”

Whoa. Slow down for a second! (more…)

“Understand that it sometimes takes some time for the marketing seeds you’ve planted to grow roots, to sprout, grow and then bear fruit that you can eat.

That’s why you have to be diligent about planting them quickly and doing whatever it takes to foster them. At the same time, it’s important to plant as many marketing seeds as possible, so that you have different things cropping up and you’re not relying on just one thing in your business to bring you money.”


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