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Today’s video strategy is how to hire effectively.  I want to be really transparent with you on this topic. We hired our first full time, in-person employee three years ago and she’s still with us, which is so great.  However, a lot of the people that we hired afterward are no longer working for our company.  That’s because we hired very ineffectively. They were all lovely people, they just weren’t the right people.

If you want to leverage your business and multiply, you have got to get some help.  You cannot do it on your own anymore. We all have that ICF, the Inner Control Freak.  Yes, you have to have it to be an entrepreneur, otherwise you wouldn’t get stuff done, but there gets to be a point at which you can’t do everything by yourself. Instead, you must delegate so you can make more money and serve more clients and do more good work in the world.

“The key to a fantastic team is hiring people who are naturally good at what you’re not.” (Click here to tweet this.)

At Client Attraction, we’ve become so much better in our hiring effectiveness. Whether you’re thinking about hiring your very first virtual assistant (at one point, I had nine virtual assistants) or your very first in-person employee, I’ve got 4 important tips to share with you in this week’s video.

1. Identify everything you’re still doing yourself that is outside of your genius work—your unique brilliance. Write it all down. Are you still doing your own scheduling or order processing?  Are you still doing your own filing and making copies?  Identify everything that you’re still doing in your business that really doesn’t generate revenue for your business.

2. Identify what type of person you need to do those things. Let me explain what I mean by that.  This has happened to me and then it happened to one of my clients very recently. She was growing her business with our help, pretty rapidly.  She decided she needed an administrative assistant. So she wrote an ad—but here’s the mistake. The ad she wrote sounded like she was looking for another one of her.  We all make that mistake.  You are not looking to hire another you.  Instead, you are looking to hire somebody who complements you—someone who is good at what you’re not necessarily good at.

Let’s say you are somebody who’s really into working with clients. You’re enthusiastic and outgoing and you come up with lots of new ideas, some of which you don’t always finish. You’re  somebody who likes to start things, but not necessarily finish them.  You get pulled in different directions by bright shiny objects. You do NOT want to hire someone like that—someone who’s just like you.

The key to hiring and having a fantastic team is to hire people who are good at the stuff you are not good at.  If you look at your list and it’s a lot of stuff that’s routine, follow-through stuff where you have to do research or lots of minutiae you don’t want to hire somebody who’s like you—great at starting things but not finishing things.

I work with lots and lots of people, clients who are leveraging their business and this is where they make a mistake.  They hire another one of themselves.  The key is to figure out what kind of person you need and it’s usually not another you.

3. Create an ad. You’re growing to create an ad that you’ll post on Craigslist or other favorite job posting site but you’re going to use words that that type of person would respond to.  You might respond to, “This is an exciting opportunity.  We’re looking for enthusiastic, outgoing people.”  But you will then attract just more people like you.

On the other hand, if you’re writing an ad for somebody who’s going to help you with operations or systems, then the ad should say something like, “You are an organized, systematic person who likes processes and checklists and you love everything to be in its place,” because that wording is going to excite them in a way that it would never excite you and me. The people inclined to respond to that ad will be the right type of person.

4. Once you have hired the right person, have them do some assessments. Our entire team here at has taken two or three assessments that let’s us find out exactly how they’re wired.  Right now, we’re in the process of transitioning somebody so that she does even more of what she’s wired to do.  She’s loving it and we’re loving it and it’s great.

When you have assessments, (choose one of the many that will work for you), you get to learn how everybody on your team is wired as opposed to how you’re wired and then you can complement each other.  Do them, not just on yourself, but on the team so that you create a team that works really well together and you all get stuff done as opposed to two people talking about great ideas and nothing gets done.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Start putting these tips into place right away because it doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting out, or looking to leverage or really creating a legacy empire, you need to hire effectively.

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Today’s topic is about accepting change. If you want to get more clients, make more money, play a bigger game and leverage and multiply your business and breakthroughs, then that means something needs to change.

Here’s what I’ve learned in my life so far. We human beings are not wired for change. If you think about the body’s ability to keep its own temperature the same and the saline content in your blood the same and if you think about your pH level—it’s always about balance. It’s always about keeping the status quo.

So you’re wired to keep the status quo and to not change anything and then you also have this wanting to advance. As human beings we are also wired to want more –we want more luxury, more quality of life, more fun, more delicious food; whatever it is, we want more.

When you want more of anything, it requires a change. I want to share some tips with you today about accepting change in your business. The first one is understand that nothing is permanent—not in your life and not in your business. I want you to understand that sometimes it’s necessary for old things to leave and new things to come in. Accepting that nothing will ever be the same is the place to start.

I know that a lot of people resist change in their business. Maybe you’ve been going solo at it for a long time and you realize that perhaps bringing on a virtual assistant or a team member or somebody to delegate to is necessary for growth but you resist that because perhaps it’s a mindset thing or you have fears around it or belief systems. My second tip is to understand that if you want to grow you must let go of that resistance and understand that the way you did it before is not the way you will create growth in your business.

Or perhaps you’ve been running your business solo and you finally realize that to get to the next big level you need to have a mentor because you cannot do it on your own. A lot of times people have resistance around that or resistance around investing in themselves or charging more or leveraging or creating group programs as opposed to just one on one.

So I want you to really get that nothing is permanent and remember that whenever you’re changing something, there is a reason. There is a reason for change. Change does not occur for no reason. Change occurs so that you can get to a new level or create different results.

Tip number three around accepting change in your business is that we usually make a bigger deal about change than is necessary. A lot of times we are the bottleneck and there’s this mindset thing of, “Oh no, I can’t do that. That’s just going to change everything.”

What I’ve realized in my own life and in my experience of working directly with thousands of entrepreneurs at this point is the resistance to the change usually takes a lot more energy than just getting accustomed to the new way of doing things. For example, when I made the switch from PC to Mac, I thought, “Oh no, it’s going to take me months,” and I resisted it. It really only took me about a day. Or when I decided to change the type of work I was doing with clients, I fretted about it for months and months and then within a week all my worries were gone and the new way of doing things was just so much easier.

And guess what? With each change, I loved the new results.

Your Video Assignment

My question for you today is where are you resisting change in your business? You have goals. You know what you need to be doing, and yet how are you getting in our own way?

Where are you resisting change? Take some time to really think about these questions and write your answers out for clarity.


Have you ever heard that story about how Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10,000,000.00 when he was a struggling actor? He carried it around in his wallet every single day. Each time he opened his wallet, he couldn’t help but look at it, and when he did, he would envision what it would feel like to make that much money on one movie.

Needless to say, Jim Carrey has gone on to make $10,000,000 per movie, and much, much more. He’s one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. I’ve been using this same principle for a while, as it relates to my business. I used to say to myself, “I am a happy, healthy multimillionaire helping others” but I found that sometimes I couldn’t connect to that feeling place right away. Sometimes, ‘multimillions’ seems a little out of reach for me.
So, I decided to make it more tangible for me, more realistic and less of a stretch.

As Napoleon Hill said, what you can conceive and believe you can achieve. My goal this year (and practically every year) is to make twice as much, working half the time. Trust me, I know I’m successful now, by most people’s standards, and I’m super grateful for that.

I know that I add value to people’s lives, that I give them not only the TOOLS to succeed, but help them give themselves PERMISSION to succeed. I know that it’s a good thing to make money, because you then enrich others by hiring them, by using people’s products and services, and you can support the charities you really care about (for me, it’s Self Esteem for Women.)

Whenever I make more, I enrich others more, and that feels good.

But I also know that I’ve worked my butt off to make that happen. Long hours, lots of back-to-back coaching clients, almost too many for any sane person.

This year for me is about helping many, many more people than I’ve been able to when all I did was private coaching. It’s about having lots of leveraged income (groups and events vs. one-on-one coaching) so I can add more value to more people, while being more successful and having more down time to create more content.

NOTICE your own limiting beliefs around the “work ethic”, notice your money gremlins, and understand that the very same thing OR MORE is available to you too, right now. You just have to believe that it can happen, one way or another.

Write your own check. Here are the elements to make sure you include:

1) Be specific with the NUMBER you have in mind
2) Make it clear that you are willing to receive it NOW or SOON (not 10 years down the line)
3) Make sure you state that it wasn’t about working your fingers to the bone, but rather, working less.

Another way to use this check to attract a perfect client is to include it in your “Empty Client Folder” exercise we talked about earlier.

1) Figure out how many clients you’d like to attract this month. (We’ll use 3 for this example.)
2) Then, get clear on how much you’d like to make for each new client you’re trying to attract this month. (For this, we’ll use $5,000.00.)
3) Then, write out 3 checks for $5,000.00 each.
4) Once you’re done, put one $5,000.00 check in each Empty Client Folder.

This exercise tells the universe you’re essentially being VERY specific with about what you’d like to attract and you are making your intention very strong. Do that today, OK? It only takes a minute and it is SO powerful…

I have many, many tools that I implement regularly to put the Universe to work in helping me attract what I want into my business. I share ALL of them during my FREE Quick Start Guide to Attracting 3 New Clients This Month Special Report at

Go here now to download your own copy and start manifesting anything you want in your business – TODAY!


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