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11-10 smallAre you feeling the pressure to send out your company newsletter more frequently? Many of our students feel the need to push themselves into a biweekly or even weekly regimen. While there is no question that keeping in touch with your community is really smart marketing, your newsletters shouldn’t completely monopolize your time.

The good news is that – especially for new businesses – you don’t need to pump out a ton of content in a short amount of time. In fact, slowly increasing the frequency of your newsletter is a better approach. The last thing you want in your attempt to build relationships with prospects is to overwhelm them suddenly with tons of emails.

Instead, feel free to move slowly and go step-by-step. For example, if right now you only send out about six newsletters per year, try pushing that number up to twelve per year, or once a month. Or, if your newsletter is monthly, go for every other week. This gives you a chance to slowly work up to greater frequency, while still sending at a level you can maintain.

From my experience, I’ve seen too many people jump aggressively to a weekly newsletter and then back away because it’s too much of a challenge. Oftentimes, it can be difficult for new business owners to think of new topics to write about, and if they take on too much too quickly, they can burn out.

A great way to get going on your newsletter initially is to come up with a format that feels realistic. Perhaps you provide a technique or strategy for the first email of the month and share a client success story for the next. I recommend coming up with your own editorial calendar. Planning out the topics for three months at a time actually is a huge time saver in the long run. It helps to plan out your content.

Once the bi-weekly newsletter is going like clockwork, then you can move to a weekly publication. You may find that between the editorial calendar and choosing a good format, the newsletter becomes a breeze. Just know you don’t need to move to weekly emails unless you feel you can handle the increase comfortably.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

When was the last time you looked at your newsletter strategically? It makes sense to freshen up your newsletter every so often. You might need a new design or to rethink the content. Lastly, do you offer a special or use a call to action that encourages readers to contact you? Don’t miss out on prompting people to buy or hire you while you are sharing your amazing knowledge.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here

shutterstock_160629524It goes without saying that networking is an amazing marketing method for building your business, which is why I encourage my students to join networking groups that meet regularly. Different groups meet weekly, monthly or even quarterly, which means there is a group out there that can work with every schedule. Through women’s groups, trade associations and local Chambers of Commerce, it is actually quite easy to find a networking group.

Another great way to make sure you are taking full advantage of networking is to seek out those individuals I personally like to refer to as “Centers of Influence” or COI. These Centers of Influence are the people who seem to know anyone and everyone – and they are great people to have as contacts.

Identifying your Centers of Influence will help you make connections to people who can power up your networking in ways you never imagined.

1. Identifying your COI

Whenever I speak of COIs, the number one question I get is: where can one find these amazing Centers of Influence?! The funny thing is that you likely have a COI in your life but you just don’t know it. So think of that friend you have who just knows everyone – and that person is your Center of Influence! If you don’t already have a COI in your life, the networking events and groups will help you identify one.

These COIs are master networkers who know droves of folks and can regularly refer you to the right people. Most COIs absolutely love to make connections and introductions. They like to provide referrals for when you need service or help. I call them natural “bridgers” because they get a thrill from bridging one person to another.

2. Meet with your COIs regularly

When you meet regularly with your Centers of Influence it will have a direct impact on growing your business, which is why it is important to meet with your COIs often. Making a point to stay in touch keeps you top-of-mind when they are out networking. Personally, I like to meet my COIs for lunch or a cup of coffee about once a month.

3. Getting referrals

Centers of Influence are one of the fastest paths to referrals. Even if you feel weird asking for referrals, just remember that your COIs really enjoy it. They feel awesome, valued, proud, confident and influential whenever they help their friends out. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship!

4. Reaching out to your COI

Because reaching out to others about networking is uncomfortable for some people, here is a sample email you could send: “Hi Jane. It’s been a long time since we’ve caught up. I’d love to hear what you are up to and also let you know what‘s new with me. How about meeting for coffee? My treat. When are you free?” I recommend coffee because that’s a lot cheaper than lunch or dinner.

You can reach out to COIs by phone, email, text or social media. If you want to connect with people outside your area, go virtual! You can Skype, FaceTime or try a Google Hangout. Be creative and find a way.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Right now, make a list of 10 influential people who could be your Centers of Influence. Don’t get hung up on how well you know them. Remember, they enjoy networking and connecting people. You can even list 10 people you’d like to meet because of their influence and connections. Then contact them this week and watch your business grow.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

As entrepreneurs, we are dedicated. Right??

Go-getters. Driven (in a good way), willing to serve our clients and give more value than others.

And at the beginning, we’ll often be (overly) accommodating to prospects and clients to get them in the door, and we’ll do whatever it takes to please them so that they sign up and stay.

And hallelujah! It actually works!

This type of bending-over-backwards gets them in the door; they refer people and they stay. It’s wonderful (at first).

But then, after a while, you begin to resent being so “flexible” and “accommodating,” and unbeknownst to the client(s), the relationship begins to feel toxic to you.

So, what do you do in these types of one-sided client relationships?? Click on the video below for the answer and to watch my new strategy:

Listen, I get it. It’s a conundrum.

On one hand, something’s gotta change. This level of “service” is just not sustainable and prevents you from growing your business and keeping your sanity.

On the other hand, expressing your resentment or making changes could mean losing those clients. And you don’t want THAT!

The elegant answer to your great-client-turned-toxic-client issue is in today’s 5-minute strategy video.

In it, I share with you the story of one of our Client Attraction Business School students, “John,” who felt like he was at the beck and call of all of his clients, continually bending over backwards at all hours of the day and night.

He felt trapped in his business, and wondered if he should throw in the towel and give it all up.

You’ll get to hear exactly what we did (and what you can do too) to set some boundaries with those clients and graciously stop people pleasing, for good.

The good news is that even if you are experiencing this right now, even if you are stuck in a cycle of being constantly present for your clients, I’m here to tell you that you can make a change. It’s not too late to take back control of your business!

After watching today’s strategy video, please share with me in the comments:

What have you allowed clients to do to you that you no longer find acceptable and how will you change that?

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, so I am super eager to read your comments and love you up!

Sending you lots of hugs,

p.s. Hey, do you know of an established entrepreneur who is answering emails on Saturdays and Sundays, getting phone calls and messages from clients at 10:30 or 11pm, and who sacrifices their personal time just to keep their clients happy? Please send them this blog with love and let’s help them make some changes, OK? Thanks so much for being so awesome. You rock. xoxo

book Many of my students want to know how to squeeze writing into their busy workday, as it’s very difficult to find the time to work on a book while working full-time. So, I want to share how I have done this and what I have found to be the most effective process.

My initial method was chaotic
When I was writing The Client Attraction Home Study System, my business was booming and I was pregnant at the time. Obviously, I had a lot on my plate. Because of everything else going on, I initially tried to write here and there when I could fit it into my schedule. Unfortunately, this was not the best process for me, as I discovered that too much time between writing sessions made me unproductive when I did sit down to write.

Whenever I would find time to get back into things, I found myself wasting precious moments (and sometimes hours) rereading my previous words in an effort to pick up where I left off. I grew frustrated with my inability to jump back in and was tired of having to constantly re-familiarize myself with my voice and the ideas that I was trying to convey. I quickly realized that this system was not only not working, but it was truly a waste of my time.

Establish a writing schedule
Once I realized that my “write when you can” method was not working, I decided to try a more regimented schedule. I committed to writing on a regular basis, so I wrote every Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30.a.m. I would leave my office so there were fewer distractions and interruptions, and go to Starbucks or a local diner. I chose places that were welcoming of customers with laptops (hello, free WiFi!), and where I could have a cup of tea and comfortably type on my laptop for a few hours. Every day, for those three hours, I forced myself to write.

Usually the first twenty to forty-five minutes were slow and uninspired. I would procrastinate by checking my email and catching up on the news. But once I finally settled in and felt caught up on where I was when I last wrote, I was able to dedicate myself completely to my work. With no distractions or thoughts looming over my head, I was able to produce quality content at an amazing rate. Plus, I still had the whole day ahead of me and did not have to worry about my writing interfering with my day-to-day work.

Take time off
Eventually, I decided to take two weeks off and make writing the book my sole focus. Without the distractions of work, I was able to get my writing finished in no time. While it was the best choice for me at the time, as I was under a deadline, I understand that taking time off is not a luxury everyone can afford. However, if you can make it work, it’s definitely an option worth considering.

Determine your best time of day to write
For me, I happened to write best early in the morning, but everyone is different. You’ll need to figure out the time that works best for you. I recommend trying different blocks of time in the morning, afternoon or late at night in order to discover when your creative juices flow easily.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Do you have a writing project that‘s been on the back burner for a while? Dust it off and schedule blocks of time for writing. Give yourself a deadline to finish. That’s really important. If you don’t have a deadline, then there is no reason to focus on the project, stick to your schedule or feel the pressure to complete it. Make it real and give yourself a timeline. Think how happy you’ll be when the project is done! Happy writing.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

My students in the Client Attraction Business School have a term that they use for the interactions they have with me.

They affectionately call it, “The Fabienne Stretcher”.

It makes me laugh. What they’re referring to is what happens when they come to me with a nice, respectable goal for what they want to accomplish in their business.

For a split second, they feel stretched, slightly beyond their comfort zone, but they also smile…

They smile because, as I’ve learned, everyone actually likes to feel just a little bit challenged. It makes them realize you believe in them and in their ability.

And because of it, they play a bigger game.

And create uncommon results, year after year.

And, in the end, that’s why they stay with us and keep coming back, as is the case with the woman I mention in the video.

An unexpected stick strategy, would you agree?

So my question for you this week is this:

How do you challenge your clients? If you were to challenge your clients to play a bigger game, how would you stretch them a little bit more?

I’d love to read how you use this in your business and how you could do more of this with your own clients. Please leave me a comment, OK?

Thanks so much for reading and watching. I am so happy to have you in my life and in our community.

You’ve got what it takes. I believe in you.


p.s. Hey, speaking of stretching you and your results to the next level… Just a friendly reminder that Early Bird tuition for the 3-day Mindset Retreat goes up tomorrow, Friday. Want to spend 3 days with me to permanently upgrade your mindset (and results and income and how big you play)? The Mindset Retreat is the place you do it and the time is October. Here’s where you sign up for HALF-OFF tuition, but only until tomorrow. Enjoy!

How to Delegate More EffectivelyToday I’d like to share a strategy for any business owner who works with a team or an assistant, even a part time assistant. Many business owners have difficulty delegating because they feel that it would take less time to do it themselves, rather than explain to someone how to do it, wait for it to come back to them and then go back and forth. This is how most entrepreneurs delegate and frankly, it is a waste of time.

Whether your team is virtual or on-site (and this can also apply to the vendors you work with), your business will thrive and be more productive when you create an environment where delegation is focused on your team providing you with solutions, rather than more questions and problems.

Skillful delegating requires your team to bring you solutions, rather than questions and problems.  (Click here to tweet this.)

I recommend you educate your team on 1) what needs to get done, 2) by when, and 3) with a very clear picture of what the ideal outcome looks like, including success criteria. That means, the team member has a clear image of what the end result looks like when it’s been done well.

But what happens when your team runs into a challenge where they must get your input or have you make a decision on a roadblock or problem? How do you not become the bottleneck and have your team take more ownership so they don’t rely so much on you, while producing much faster? Watch this week’s video on how to educate your team to bring you solutions, rather than questions or unsolved problems. Before you know it, everyone will be on board and problems will got solved easily and effectively.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Whenever you’re brought a problem without a solution, ask them to come back with some potential solutions and pro’s and con’s for each. It may take a little while for everyone to get into the habit of bringing you only answers and solutions, rather than questions and problems to be solved, but the key is to be consistent. Before you know it, everyone will be on board and problems will got solved easily and effectively.

How to Align Your Business with Your Life PurposeOne of the things I’ve noticed over the last 10 years is that the people who are the most successful in business are those whose businesses are aligned with their life’s purpose, their mission or their calling. Why? Because when you align your business with why you’re here on earth, you are more passionate about your work. People feel that and are attracted to your business as a result. You also have more stamina and perseverance and are willing to do whatever it takes.

I’d like to share a passage from Ralph Marston’s Daily Motivators on this subject that really resonates with me:

“Where there is purpose, there is energy. Actions directed toward a compelling purpose will create a powerful momentum that lines up events and circumstances in your favor. Purpose gives you a reason to get going each day and strengthens your determination to persist when the going gets tough. Purpose pushes you firmly toward your highest level of accomplishment.”

I couldn’t agree more.

When you weave your life purpose into your business, you attract more ideal clients. (Click here to tweet this.)

In fact, in my live events and workshops, as well as in the Client Attraction Business School, our students gain even greater clarity on what their purpose is. This is one of the reasons they become so much more successful so quickly, in addition to all the marketing best practices, systems and business models we teach them in the curriculum and coaching within the business school.

Watch this week’s video to discover how you can start aligning your business with your mission. I’ll share with you exactly how I did this…and how you can too.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

If you’re not already, get clear on your purpose and mission behind your business.  Once you know what it is, plan out what you will do to align your business with your mission and passion. How will you begin to weave it in? How soon can you get started?

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

Are you holding yourself back from stepping things up and thinking bigger?

Whether you are just starting to build your business or making $500,000 a year, the fear of getting out there can get in your way. If you want your company to grow, then you have to be willing to take risks, be seen, and even encounter rejection. When you avoid these hurdles, you simply inhibit your ability to grow.

At times your next step has been in the back of your mind for years, but the very thought of it stops you cold. Or you just got an inspired idea and were surprised when you froze thinking about going for it. Either way, you are not the only one. I’ve been there too, and at each new level o f my business, I find this coming up again.

What can you do to get past this limiting fear?

Write down your big goal
I recommend writing down what the big goal is. Then write down all the related obstacles that come up about getting out there and making your goal come to life.

Do some research
Maybe you don’t know enough about your next steps and that is stopping you in your tracks. For this, you can do some research to learn what you need to do. For example, making up a speaker sheet to get more gigs. Getting more information can help you get unstuck at times.

Examine your fears
Or, you may have fears like:

  • Being criticized
  • Being too visible
  • Speaking in public
  • Feeling exposed
  • Failure

All of these fears bring up a reluctance to getting out there. It probably feels safer to fit in, not stand out and keep the status quo then to get out there and let your brilliance shine for all to see.

Let them say what they will
You want to say to yourself, “Let them say what they will. I’ve got big brownies to get out there in a big way. I have a message to share and I don’t care if anyone ridicules me.” Tell yourself that you are not supposed to work with those who criticize you. Instead, focus on the person who sees your bravery or foolery, feels inspired by it and will be changed by what you do. That person might say, “You know what? I resonate with that woman!”

Don’t squander your divine gifts
The trick is to look beyond yourself and think about your ideal clients, those people who are up at night with 3am sweats. You have to get out there to help them and share your brownies. If you don’t do this, you are actually being stingy with the gifts you were given–stingy with the divine gifts that can change people’s lives.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
What fears are holding you back? Be honest with yourself – it’s the only way to work through these limitations. Boil it down to the one thing that is really getting in your way. Then remember your divine gifts and move past the reluctance. Countless people will thank you once you do.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction Home Study System™ gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

full-open-houseIf you have an office or store front location, running an open house event is a powerful way to attract new clients. This gives prospects a chance to meet you and that helps them to get to know and like you to build trust. People do business with those they know and like.

The question is how do you spread the word and get people to attend? You want the room to be full for this event to be most effective. My favorite strategies are below to help you pack the house.

1. Create a powerful reason to attend. Put yourself in your ideal clients’ shoes and ask “What would compel me to attend this event?” Everyone is kind of skeptical, so you need a big draw to get people interested. You could hand out prizes, but make them connected to your business. Or run a networking event. There’s got to be a “What’s in it for me?” reason to get people to attend in big numbers.

2. Choose a day mid-week for the best response. Most people would rather not spend a night they usually go out to attend an open house. That’s why earlier in the week, Tuesday and Wednesday night, work better. Thursday and Friday nights, people rather spend with their partners, friends, or family.

3. Create a flyer. Communicating all your event details in a flyer makes sharing the event easy. Keep it simple, but do include all the details.

4. Hand out your flyer everywhere you network. Having a flyer makes your life easier because all the details are in one place. You can pass them out at your BNI meeting and any where you plan to network.

5. Email the flyer or announcement to your list. Email marketing is still a powerful way to communicate details. Use a catchy subject line to improve the open rate so more people learn about the event.

6. Post your event on Social Media. Let your fans know about the event so they can attend. Ask fans to share the event with their friends to spread the word beyond your reach.

7. Send a press release to the local paper. If your event is free, newspapers will often publish your event in the calendar section. You can also post to your town’s which is your local news source online.

8. Ask your clients to bring friends to the event. Enlist your friends, family and colleagues for help to fill the room.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
If you haven’t tried an open house event, try one soon. Spend time brainstorming a strong program title. Come up with the compelling reason to attend – the prizes, networking or what will draw people to the event. Then implement the program to meet lots of new prospects interested in what you do.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction  System® gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at

steps-in-proprietary-systemOccasionally I meet business owners who are not only great at what they do, but very fast as well. Their proprietary system gets to the heart of the matter super quickly and provides solutions in just a few sessions. This amazing efficiency has good and not-so-good aspects to it. If this describes how you do business, you could be not only short changing your clients by not providing enough access to you, but you could also be limiting your income.

Even though fast action might seem like a strength, a more thorough approach could serve you and your clients better for several reasons.

1. It takes time to implement your recommendations. When there are several changes to be made, it can be best to do them one at a time, rather than jumping in with both feet and doing everything all at once. That can be very disruptive to the client’s life or business.

2. People need time to adjust to changes. Once implemented, it takes people time to adjust to a new system. Getting used to a new way of doing things doesn’t happen overnight – it takes time to learn how things work and get comfortable.

3. New issues can crop up that were unforeseen. As clients begin to implement your proprietary system and work toward their goals, there can be a few bumps in the road. You want to be there for them as they continue the transition and handle issues.

4. Allow your clients time to do things right the first time. Another reason it makes sense to implement a new system one step at a time is to keep from making mistakes that stem from rushing. Making changes after the process has started, takes more time and can be more costly than doing things right from the first time around.

5. More access to you creates more income. I’m not suggesting you drag out the process within your proprietary system just so you can make more money. But, the outcome is more support for your clients, better results and more income for you all at the same time.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Take a look at your proprietary system. Do you have enough steps to logically take a client through your process? Do they get enough time to work through everything and still have access to you while implementing the changes? If not, then consider adding a couple of steps to ensure clients get the support they need from you for success.

Now, if you’re just starting out and trying to fill your practice in the FIRST place, then follow a step-by-step system that feels easy and authentic to you. The Client Attraction  System® gives you the most important things to do to set up simple, solid systems, so that you consistently fill your pipeline and continually get new clients. It’s all step-by-step, not a big mishmash of things. So, you do step one of the system, and when you’re done with that, you move on to step two, and so on. All the tools, scripts, templates, and examples are handed to you on a silver platter. Easy. You can get it at


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


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