If you’re serious about attracting clients consistently, I believe you should use every single piece of marketing “real estate” you can. Whether you’ve been in business for one year or 22 years, when you’re marketing your business, you want to have systems in place that PULL in clients without you having to do much to make it happen.
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” — Bill Cosby
To attract clients consistently and with little effort, your marketing message must be clear and it must stand out. There’s no way around it. If what you say about your business and what prospects read about it isn’t sounding irresistible to them, they’ll move on to the next person. Guaranteed.
Sometimes, it’s best to not reinvent the wheel or “fix what ain’t broke,” as the saying goes. Let’s say you have several clients you absolutely LOVE (they get great results from working with you, they pay you on time and never negotiated, you like them, they send referrals, etc.). Now, look at where all of these clients have come from.
Perhaps it’s a particular networking group, or a talk that you gave, a referral from a strategic alliance or Center of Influence, or a referral from a client. It’s important to see where your clients have come from so that you can do more of the same.
“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” -Unknown
Have you ever given your all to something, experienced some delays, encountered disappointments, and then given up? What about when it comes to marketing your business? Do you sometimes get frustrated because the results you want aren’t coming to you as quickly as you’d like, despite the fact that you bust your butt to see results? Do you then start to doubt yourself, your skills and talent, your ability to succeed?
You’re not the only one. I know I’ve been there more than once since being self-employed. I have been tempted to quit on projects or promotions that weren’t going strong on more than one occasion. And I’ve even contemplated giving up on self-employment when the chips were down and times were tough.
Dear Solo-entrepreneur,
Something interesting has been happening in the last few months…
Since my husband Derek quit his corporate job just 6 months ago to run my entire business and bring it to the next big level, people are asking:
“Fabienne, HOW did you get Derek on board AND how’d you get him to quit his job to do this with you? I can barely get my spouse to believe that my own business is more than just a hobby!” (more…)
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung
You’ve heard a lot more about the Law of Attraction recently. For nearly 10 years, I’ve been using it consciously to create my ideal business, on a daily basis, in addition to disciplined marketing strategies.
With anything in life, if you don’t KNOW where you’re going, you’ll either eventually get lost or it’ll take you a long time to get there, much longer than necessary. If you’re heading out to drive cross-country and choose to do it without a roadmap, it may not even make sense to head out in the first place. Worse, if you don’t consciously choose what you want, you will continue to attract by default what your unconscious mind wants to attract.
While the media is searching out anything to create panic in the eyes of consumers, I want you to think about your own life. When you went to the mall last time, was it empty? What about popular restaurants? Could you hear crickets chirping? Personally, everywhere I go, I’m still waiting in line, I still wait ten minutes for a table, and I’m seeing people STILL buying a lot. In fact, to put it in perspective, our business has made more just last month than most people make all year. What “economy”?
Sometimes, you just KNOW there’s something you need to take action on to take your business forward. However, if you’re anything like me, you’ve gotten stopped in the past, even when it’s something you KNOW will create big results. You procrastinate, you tidy up your office, get another cup of coffee, ANYTHING to not get it done. Ever have that happen to you?
There are different reasons why you may be stalling from taking action. It could be that you don’t know the next steps, that you’re not sure how to move forward. That happens, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Most likely, it’s something deeper. (more…)
QUOTE: “The more you say to yourself, ‘I am responsible,’ the stronger, better and finer a person you become. And every part of your life will improve at the same time.” – Brian Tracy
One of the themes running through my life currently, and in the lives of my clients, is that of Personal Responsibility. If you’ve been to my workshop and on any of my calls, you know that I believe strongly in Personal Responsibility (I often call it ‘The No Excuses Approach’) and how I do not believe you can ever achieve BIG success without it. It’s a topic that few marketers ever really talk about in depth, but one that is crucial for success.
You see, each time I bump up against a new level of success in my business, a lot of my old “stuff” comes back up. I’ve caught myself in the past comparing my success to others with more success, feeling resentful, feeling less-than, and sometimes even BLAMING others or my own particular situation or for not being where I would LIKE to be in terms of success in that moment. And believe me, it doesn’t feel good. But perhaps you know exactly what I’m talking about… (more…)
Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.