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Today, I want to give you a peek behind the scenes of one of our Growth Track meetings, because this lesson is really important.

This isn’t the polished presentation of one of my live public events (as you’ll see, it’s pretty casual and I make a couple of faces).

But, it’s the subtle teachings that we share with our students that help them create such great results they would never create on their own…and I believe this particular lesson is vital.

It’s why you may have tried someone’s sales script or process, and despite their assurances that it was “the way” to market and sell…

…it didn’t work for you. That’s because you weren’t being YOU.

Watch this short video now to learn why this is crucial:

You see, we are all wired differently. I believe that our unique strengths and talents correlate directly to our areas of unique brilliance.

In fact, what I teach our students and clients (at all business “life stages,” from start-up to scale-up) is that you make 80% of your money from doing your Unique Brilliance. Whenever you’re doing something else, you are costing your company money.

This doesn’t just work for me, this works for every business owner, including you.

When you watch this week’s 3-minute video, you’ll discover what my own top 5 strengths are and how I leverage them in my own business as rocket fuel for growth.

Here at Client Attraction, we have everyone on our Team (and many of our students) go through a process to do this, so that we can know how to best leverage their strengths in our business. (It’s why our employees say they are so happy to work here. They’re primarily doing only stuff they love and are wired to do.)

You’ll also understand why you may procrastinate sometimes in your business (hint: it’s because you’re going against the grain and you’re not wired to do some things in your business).

I highly recommend that you look into taking this assessment yourself (and with your Team, if you have one). It’s called StrengthsFinder 2.0. Then, you can coordinate your specific sales and marketing practices to match your unique abilities and strengths.

It will work so much better and is easier than trying to be someone you’re not!

It really is ninja. 🙂

So…tell me in the comments section:

How will you use your own top 5 strengths to shift or strengthen your sales processes?

When you sell in the way you’re wired, magic happens.

Happy (authentic) selling!

When was the last time you beat yourself up for procrastinating, not getting enough done or lacking discipline in your business?

HA! Was it today?? 😉

An hour ago? 🙂

(No judgement here, but you definitely want to watch today’s video.)

The truth is that in order to be even more successful, we do need to have a higher level of productivity. We need time to work on our business in addition to the time we spend working in our business.

And yet, when you’re self-employed, the self-motivation required to be consistent can be challenging, at best.

The secret to greater productivity and less procrastination is simple, but few ever use it. It’s potent and must be harnessed every day, in every way. I explain how I use it in today’s 4-minute video:

This may be one of the few videos you’ve ever seen where I refer to God or a “higher source” as it relates to business. And as you’ll see in the video, time and time again, the Universe shows me that when I am clear on what I want, it delivers…every time!!

I explain how in today’s 4-minute video.

(Sadly though, we don’t always ACT when the Universe delivers the opportunity we’ve asked – even begged – for. That’s called resistance and I have some great free training coming your way on overcoming resistance. Look out for it soon!)

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the clearer I am about today’s topic, the more productive and on-task I become.

And then I crush it with my results.

Many times, however, I notice that business owners do not have clarity about this. I hope this doesn’t come across too harshly, but sometimes your actions become wishy washy as a result.

Many look outside of themselves for excuses and blame others for their results. But the truth is that you simply were unclear in your intent.

It’s really about clarity.

So if you’re feeling brave (I know you can do it!), I invite you to answer the following question:

“How have you been confusing the Universe around your intentions?”

As always, do share in the comments section. Start your response with “I.”

Own it. That’s how you get a business breakthrough.

I love reading your ah-has and breakthroughs and am always blown away by your vulnerability and authenticity.

Nothing changes until you get real. So will you take this opportunity to do so here?

I’m rooting for you, big time!

p.s. This is coming directly from my personal experience and what I’ve noticed in my own business. After 16 years, I’m pretty sure that this is the most powerful tool I have when it comes to productivity and discipline becoming my allies, instead of “rules” I’m beating myself up about!

p.p.s. Once you discover how you’ve been creating competing intentions, I invite you to get super clear on what you DO want… Then craft your strategy to get it and implement. It can truly be that simple.

Does getting Clarity on where you’re going, Strategy on next steps and best practices and a Community to keep you lovingly accountable get you into big Action to transcend the ordinary?

Uh, yes. Bigtime.

Are you ready to be totally inspired?

Then, meet Victoria.

Victoria is a current student of our Client Attraction Business School (CABS) who quickly progressed from the Growth Track to the Leverage Track.

When she came to us, she was shaken from having to leave her last business (it happens…) and was living off her assets. 15 years of savings were on the line.

But she was smart enough to recognize that you can’t do it alone. No one can.

Here’s her story. It’s about 5 minutes and it is so freakin’ inspirational. Just watch it now:

Victoria went from making $13,000 a year to over $1,000,000 a year, IN JUST ONE YEAR (and has grown leaps and bounds even since then).

Can you imagine??

What if THAT happened to you? How would that make a difference in your life?

CABS is a community that will take you as far as you want to go, when you finally decide to plug in, like Victoria did. It takes courage to say yes, but here’s what happens the minute you do:

  • Our training and systems meet you right where you are, so that whether you’re building to your first 100K or you have to learn to delegate and scale, like Victoria did after her first year in Growth, you have a proven process to follow.
  • Our coaches and daily accountability systems keep you honest and accountable to your goals and focused on doing the right things in the right order so you get bigger results than you ever would on your own. 
  • And our community… Our community is the magic that allows you to know that you never have to go it alone, that you’ve got friends who get it and will pick you up and dust you off when you stumble and will cheer for joy when you reach your goals.

It’s not magic. All it takes is one courageous decision to finally invest in yourself and your future. Just one decision, made in faith. That’s when you change the course of your life for the better.

I invite you to explore joining us here. If you want to hear more of the hundreds upon hundreds of inspirational success stories, spend some time here.

And then, when you’re ready to have the conversation that might change your family’s life, I invite you to apply for a session with one of our incredible coaches by clicking here.

There’s nothing more I’d love than to give you a big-squeezey hug when you walk into your first live meeting with your fellow students. Because I can’t actually describe what it’s like to join us…

…you have to experience it yourself.

To your (infinite) potential,

p.s. When you speak to one of our coaches, make sure to have them walk you through what the specific process would be for you… How can our strategies help your specific business grow and scale? What will be the best way for you to have the fastest results? (‘Cause hey, I’m all about R.O.I.!) Apply here for a Strategy Call today and let’s find out! I believe in you…


Today I’m sharing some behind the scenes awesomeness (and tough love) from one of our Growth Track meetings…directed at my cousin John who enrolled last year.

If you’re not familiar, the Growth Track is the foundational program in The Client Attraction Business School for entrepreneurs who are building toward their first six figures (and for those already at six figures and beyond who wish to build a stronger marketing foundation).

It’s focused on everything you need to generate revenues in your business, so there’s a BIG focus on doing the activities that bring in cash.

And successful entrepreneurship is NOT convenient.

Now as you’ll see in today’s video, in just 5 minutes, I help John “turn up the volume” on his Client Attraction efforts (he didn’t quite get what I meant at first, which was kinda funny…you’ll see why). Watch it now:

As you can see from this week’s sneak peek video into what we do, if you want to move up to another level in business, you’ve got to go beyond only doing things that are convenient.

It’s a rite of passage.

Whether it’s networking, speaking, your online marketing efforts, sales skills…whatever the thing is that you’re focused on to grow your business…

You have to go beyond what is convenient, comfortable and competent, and achieve excellence if you want to succeed.

Cheap, fast and easy are not going to get you results.

Doing what you know (unless you’ve been a successful entrepreneur before…) is not going to get you results.

Whether it’s this community or another, it is vital that you put yourself in an environment that will teach you what you don’t know to get to the next level of success…

And almost more importantly…doesn’t teach you what you don’t need to know.

(That is what I call “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome” and it doesn’t get you any closer to your goal.)

I believe that we have the best education platform for entrepreneurs on the planet. There…I said it. I believe this because I’ve seen thousands of entrepreneurs come through our school and have results.

They’ve done what is inconvenient. They’ve broken through their limits, learned new skills and created success.

If you are ready to do this, too…to do whatever it takes, to stretch yourself, learn new skills, be accountable to a community and to engage with this level of tough love and “no matter what-ness”…

I invite you to explore the potential of what The Client Attraction Business School can do for you by applying for a conversation with one of our experienced coaches today.

As I share in the video, successful entrepreneurship will never be convenient. If it was, everybody would be doing it.

You must be willing to do the things that others are not willing to do if you want to win this game.

That’s enough tough love for today <3

Sending hugs,

p.s. A little background on the mic thing…I always teach my students to raise or lower the mic to their level. It’s actually a representation of our personal worth, because it allows us to stand tall. Thus the “turn up the volume joke.” I didn’t want you to not get it 😉 Most importantly I hope that you see how our students support each other in this community. We’d love to have you join us…apply today.

I’m thinking that since it’s the beginning of the year and all, I would like to rock your world a bit…put you on the “Fabienne stretcher” and get you thinking WAY bigger than you’ve perhaps allowed yourself to dream before.

In today’s teaching video I’ve got the BIG QUESTIONS for you…the ones that will lead you to discovering exactly how to make a lot of money (7 figures, anyone??) and change the world.

Are you game?

Grab a pen and paper and get ready to answer a couple of vital questions I have for you in today’s video that will prepare you for the million-dollar mark:

The world isn’t changed by ordinary people doing ordinary things.

It is changed by ordinary people…

…doing extraordinary things.

And if you’ve embraced the power of this exercise fully, you are going to be scared. This is a good thing. You’ll hear your peers share exactly why this is a good thing at the 2:15 mark.

Dig deep. Dream big. Activate the greatness that’s already within you.

Do what we talk about in this video, and you too can be one of the so-called “ordinary ones” doing extraordinary things…and changing the world, simply by having the audacity to take the information that you discover in these questions and ACT.

I’m here cheering you on, loudly. 😉

p.s. I can’t wait to read what you discover…if you’re ready to be seen standing fully in your power, share at least one of your answers with me in the comments, OK?:

“What would you do if you lived in a vacuum with no risks, repercussions or negative judgements?”

“What great thing would you do beyond your business to change the world if you could not fail?”

“What have you overcome in your life?”

“Who are you here to help?”

“What is the thing you would do all day long…for FREE?”

Your future lies in the answers. I can’t wait to witness it with you, and, I’m here to help. 🙂


By most people’s standards, Scott was doing pretty darned well in his 10 years as a professional organizer.

I mean…he was doing 6 figures a year and people wanted his services.

The thing is, he was feeling super frustrated because he had plateaued and couldn’t seem to get out of his own way.

Well, a couple of weeks in The Client Attraction Business School changed it all…

Want to be inspired and see what’s possible by what Scott experienced in just two weeks, and then over the next six months? Watch and be moved below.

The danger in a decade-old business is that you know a whole lot about what you already know.

When Scott stepped through his fear to change the name of his company (you’ll hear why it was vital to his future success that he change it at the 3 minute 35 second mark) and implemented packages, increased his a la carte pricing and hired a team…

…he was able to cover $50K in additional expenses in cash – no sweat. He happily states in the video what he did with his newfound $50,000.

Here’s the thing: Scott recognized an opportunity. And like in all success stories, he understood deeply one of my most powerful teachings:

When you ask for what you want, it is given in the form of an opportunity. If you want the results that you asked for, then you must action the opportunity that arrives.

Scott did just that and because of it, I got to ask him, “Scott, what does a $1 million organizing business look like?”

Whether you are already at 6 figures OR you’re at an earlier stage of your entrepreneurial adventure, I’d love to invite you to discover what is possible for you this year by applying for a call with one of our amazing coaches.

As you’ll hear in the video, Scott was able to recoup his investment in The Client Attraction Business School in two weeks. There were simple ideas that were right in front of him that he hadn’t actioned yet.

I’m guessing there are opportunities like this right in front of you, too. Would you like our support to be able to see them? If so, click here and let’s schedule a call to see what you can create in 2016 with the right support.

Here’s to your amazing 2016!

p.s. There is some colorful language in this video… What can I say? We’re a wild tribe! But I know you’re going to be inspired to aim higher after watching it, so please take the next 7 minutes to get inspired and watch it now.

p.p.s. Just a quick heads up that next week something very new and very exciting is coming your way, so make sure to be on the lookout for next Thursday’s email. Let’s just say I am ready to arm you with the #1 tool for success when it comes to separating the 20% of businesses that thrive from the 80% of businesses that fail. More on this next week! xoxo

This week’s story is miraculous.

…and it’s also rather commonplace from where I stand. (I’m not trying to seem blasé in any way; it’s just become our new normal within our tribe.)

And so this week, I’d like for you to meet Laverne.

As you’ll see in today’s inspirational video, Laverne is a different type of Jury Consultant. She thought she couldn’t do marketing to increase her business (because that’s not what people do in her field) and certainly not with video.

Until, we took a stand for her at our Growth Track meeting. And boy, did she wow us at the following meeting!

You gotta watch this incredible transformation (she even looks different just a few weeks later, giggling and embracing that she is now an industry transformer!):

(In June of this year she had no idea how to communicate why people should work with her. And at the 2:58 mark, you’ll see that she sure does now.)

So, just how does someone go from “last ditch effort” to making more than $30,000 in one month, just 120 days later?

What I’ve learned about the heart-based entrepreneurs who hang out with us and consistently move to the next level, every 90 or 120 days, is that it’s not just about what we teach them from the stage or in the modules…

it’s our tribe of other caring entrepreneurs who will look at you, hug you, believe in your potential and hold you accountable to reaching your goals and bigger future, with love.

This is a place where advancing entrepreneurs come to enrich their businesses and their lives…and, it takes a village.

So while this is a short video (only 8 minutes), it showcases EXACTLY what happens for our members during our quarterly meetings. Watch it here to get inspired for 2016.

You’ll hear where she started.

You’ll experience the love that she receives…not just from me, but from her peers.

You’ll feel the palpable shift in her confidence, energy and yes, RESULTS…in just four months.

This week’s video captures the essence of what we do here.

And by watching it, it is my belief that you’ll start believing that everything can change for you in a heartbeat, the minute you commit to being helped by others.

With so much love,

p.s.We’ve got an epic strategy, hugs, accountability and unconditional love waiting for you on the inside. If you’re inspired (and I hope you are) then let’s see if you qualify for a no-charge Strategy Call with one of our Coaches to map out what 2016 can look like for you.

If this is possible for Laverne, it is absolutely possible for you. xoxo

I’d like you to meet Dr. Jessica. She is hilarious. Seriously… this woman is FUNNY, and one of the things I love about her is that she tells it like it is. No holds barred.

Although Jessica was a “hot mess” a year prior (her words, not mine), she experienced some pretty profound shifts in her life since joining our community of entrepreneurs.

As you’ll see in this video, she doubled her income in her first year and made some pretty significant life changes she is grateful for.

Be ready to laugh, maybe even cry, at the 10-minute mark, and get super inspired for your own future. I promise once you start watching Jessica, you won’t want to stop. She’s delightful:

(Honestly, I don’t think I’ve giggled so much on stage before. In fact, she made Derek blush and cover his face when talking about our “competition.” Hysterical.)

But back to Jessica feeling like she wanted to play bigger…

She talks about having people to contend with in her life that were less than supportive.

Her husband didn’t get it. Her mom didn’t get it. Even her friends at home couldn’t understand why she wanted to play a bigger game.

She needed a place where people believed in her so she could soar. And boy, did she get it…and then soar!

Listen, it’s hard to ignore the nay-sayers. I get it. And if you have lots of them around, like Jessica, and you could use a tribe to cheer you on, stretch you, love you and believe in a bigger future for you, then I encourage you to watch her video now and get inspired.

It just might give you the nudge you need to change your results for the better.

You can’t do it alone.

With love,

p.s. Full transparency: I almost asked my team to edit out several parts of this video (there is some mild swearing) and extraneous stuff, especially the last 30 seconds, but they are just too funny to edit out. Enjoy!

p.p.s. If you crave the kind of support that may help you double your income this coming year, now’s the time to reach out. Let’s see if you qualify for a complimentary Strategy Session by clicking here, OK? Then, we’ll schedule a time for you to speak to one of our awesome Strategy Coaches to see if we can help.

Do it now! 😉 Let’s get you on your way! xoxo

Today, I’m departing from our usual teaching videos and bringing you something new.

(I hope you’ll love it…)

I’ve learned that I’m not the only person who sometimes learns best when watching something being done in action, rather than just learning about it.

Which is why I’ve decided to open the doors of our most recent Growth Track meeting and let you in on a process that I take my students through to help them monetize what they know.

Watch the video below to see me in action helping Reggie on stage:

(Please forgive the first few moments of me gathering my papers. Reggie didn’t realize he was coming up on stage with me!)

You see, I have a unique strength in helping people turn their yearly income into their monthly income…

Really?? Is there really a way to turn what you make in a full year into your monthly income?

Yes, really. It happens all the time in our Business School. And it often starts with you taking what you know and creating programs and products around it.

Today’s 14-minute video shows you exactly how you too can take what you know and package it so you can charge so much more for it and work with so many more people.

Stick with me on this one. I know it’s longer than usual, and it’s worth it…

… especially when you see Reggie’s face when he realizes at minute 11 or so how he can monetize his intellectual property and serve his corporate clients in a bigger way.

Priceless, as is the gratitude in his voice (and my eyes welling up in tears) at the end.


Love you,

p.s. If you’d like us to help you do the same, go to, OK? You’re awesome and we’d love to help you too… xo

Here’s something I teach my students all the time…

You (and I) can talk until we’re blue in the face about how great it is to work with us or how good our “stuff” is, but…

…somehow, it will never be as inspiring (or as motivating) as when others hear it directly from the client.

Today I want to introduce you to Michelle.

I adore Michelle, and one of the many things I love about her (she’ll laugh out loud when she reads this) is that she’s a tough cookie who doesn’t take any bleep from anyone::

In fact, Michelle is a totally no-nonsense New Yorker who rolled her eyes when she first heard me speak, didn’t buy into what “any marketer” was trying to sell her and didn’t think CABS would work for her.

Well, she’s changed her tune…

…especially since she’s multiplied her business many times over this year (and we’re not done with 2015 yet).

Yes, she multiplied her business many times over.

Yes, she had her doubts as to whether CABS would work for her.

Well, it did.

It really did.

You gotta watch Michelle’s video. I hope this inspires you, and that maybe, just maybe, it gives you the courage to reach out to us here to schedule a time to talk and see if we can help. OK?

I believe in you and your potential,

P.S. Do you have a friend or colleague who could use increased results in their business too? Pass this email along and let them know they’re not alone and that big things are possible, OK?

Then, invite them to watch more videos and schedule a call with one of our caring Strategy Coaches here to map out the next 12 months and see how we can help. YOU ROCK. Thank you! xoxo


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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
