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“Everyone you know knows at least ONE person who is your ideal client. That means it’s YOUR job to continuously educate your environment on what you’re up to and who you work with.”

“When you give small amounts of good content at no charge, prospects automatically realize that this is just the tip of your iceberg and that your “paid stuff” will be even more valuable. Don’t be stingy and you’ll attract all the clients you need.”

“Let’s face it: being self-employed, our businesses are fundamentally a reflection of every part of us. Who you and I “are” as people literally affects our businesses, every day, every minute, every second, with every breath. Knowing that the “inner” is directly reflected in the “outer,” it’s especially so for those working solo. If there’s turmoil or disconnection within you as a person, it will be reflected in your business. If there’s purpose, acceptance, and alignment, things come to you without struggle.”

“There are some solo-entrepreneurs that market ’til they’re blue in the face, and STILL don’t attract ideal, high-paying clients. They’re seemingly doing all the right things: they’ve got marketing materials, marketing plans, they’re speaking, networking, etc. and yet producing no real results. Yes, they have some clients. Yes, they’re making their bills. But they’re not seeing the kind of success they so desperately want. On the outside, everyone probably thinks you have a great business, but YOU know what’s really going on, especially financially. It’s what’s going on INTERNALLY that’s botching your results: THE MINDSET. And I’ve come to realize that if the INSIDE is not matched to the OUTSIDE, then you won’t get the results you want. Period.”

“What I’ve learned over the years is, doing something new doesn’t always create results as quickly. The systems aren’t as easy to put in place and there’s always a learning curve for new stuff. Instead of creating BRAND new strategies, sometimes we it’s easier to go back to doing the tried-and-true, proven things that worked very well for us in the past. We go back to the basics: Marketing Pie 101.”

“The real shame about ‘undervaluing what you know’ is that as a result, you may be undercharging for what you offer. This is actually one of the major reasons why most solo-entrepreneurs don’t have enough clients. Because they don’t see VALUE in what they offer, they don’t charge enough; therefore, there is a low perception of value from the prospective client’s point of view. The prospect then goes somewhere else for the same exact information.”

“Some entrepreneurs discount their services or offer a sliding scale because of their lack of confidence and low perception of value in what they offer. In my Client Attraction System, discounting is a BIG no-no. It portrays a devalued product or service and it’s NOT Client Attractive. If you’re offering discounts or a sliding scale, it’s imperative that you stop right away. When you do, you’ll attract more ideal, high-paying clients who are PROUD of working with you and tell others about you.”

“It’s easier to promote when you are GIVING something of high-value to a prospect. It’s an approach of SERVICE rather than ‘selling something’ or trying to ‘get something’ from your prospect. GIVING is much more Client Attractive and takes the pressure off of the person (and yourself). Let’s face it; people love to buy, but they don’t like to be sold. When you give generously, you make it OK to offer other resources that will help that prospect. It’s like reading your favorite magazine. When you love every article, chances are the ads in the magazine will also appeal to you. Same thing here.”

“You need determine how VIABLE your target audience is, whether you can reach them easily or, if you’ve made a drastic mistake that’s losing you money and opportunities every day. You’ve heard many times how important it is to have a plan for WHO to market to, an ideal client profile or target audience. In my book, it’s one of the most crucial things to put in place for attracting all the clients you want because if you don’t know specifically who you’re talking to, you won’t know what to say, and you won’t know where to market. Basically, if you aren’t sure WHO your target audience is specifically, it becomes an uphill battle when it doesn’t need to be.”

“Sometimes, a prospect needs some time to make a decision on whether or when they’d like to start working with you. What I’ve noticed over the years is that when this happens, most always, the sale never happens, probably because life gets in the way and what’s out of sight is out of mind. If prospects don’t bite on the ‘sales’ call, schedule a 5 minute “check-in” call with them to follow up with each other without having to play phone tag or have to follow up with one another.”


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