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New Image 9Join Fabienne with her guest Sally Anderson for an inspiring conversation on how to play big – in your business and your life. Enjoy!

Sally Anderson is the leading expert in Sustainable Transformation – Emotionally: Cognitively: Physically & Spiritually. Sally is at the forefront of sustainable human and organizational transformation. A cutting edge Leadership Coach, Leadership Advance Facilitator, Inspirational Keynote Speaker, Seminar Leader, Master Coach Trainer, Author. Sally has inspired thousands of people from feeling disempowered in their personal and professional lives to experiencing outstanding sustainable results.

Sally is passionate about the advancement of human performance and is pioneering new ways of being in human consciousness through providing her revolutionary education via Keynote Speaking, Leadership Coaching/Advances, Leadership Development Programs Corporate & Public Retreats & Coach Certification.

Sally Anderson has 20 years of corporate experience. At the time of 9/11 Sally was the program director responsible for a major change initiative in a Fortune 500 company and commuting between the US and Europe. The terrorist attack gave Sally pause to examine her priorities and purpose, and how best she could make a difference. As a result she returned to New Zealand to channel her passion for human advancement, her hard-won wisdom and her valuable life experiences into the development of a curriculum that would sustainably transform the lives of others.

Relentless and utterly uncomprising in her drive to have others to live into and achieve their greatest potential, Sally is a ‘vigilante for peace’, fearlessly addressing what so often goes unspoken due to convention, fear or inhibition.

Her unique personal perspectives, traumatic history and eventual mastery as a transformational coach provides a rare combination of talents. This laid the foundation for a vocation to help others achieve a similar transcendence. As a result Sally has a sound knowledge base for her philosophy and teachings and their application in the personal and professional realm.

Her determination to regain her life from the most dehumanising experience imaginable, to dedicating her life to helping others has shaped her personal development and destiny to become one of the most pre-eminent speakers and transformation coaches we have seen.

Sally’s first book ‘Freefall—Living Life Beyond The Edge’, was published by New York Book Publisher Morgan James in 2011 and is available via Amazon. Sally’s second book, ‘The Co-creative Age’, co-authored by Roger Te Tai, will be published late 2014 in New York.

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How to Get the Most Out of a Live Event

After just coming back from our big 3-day live event and also having recently returned from an event where I was an attendee, I thought it might be helpful to cover the topic of How to Get the Most out of a Live Event. Now, these strategies aren’t rocket science but sometimes a solid reminder is all we need to make a good event a great one!

1. Attend all sessions. You made the investment of time, travel, and resources to go to the event, so make being in the room at all times an absolute priority. Don’t skip sessions. Reschedule client calls. Be present at all times, open to the material and learning everything being presented to you. I recommend turning off your cell phone (no texts) and not surfing the web on your laptop. Get rid of all those distractions. This is your learning time, honor it with your full attention.

Make sure to always keep learning and attending events. That’s how you grow. (Click here to tweet this.)

2. Make amazing connections. Attending a live event gives you the opportunity to meet other attendees, sometimes from all over the world. Take advantage of meeting new people by networking and creating strategic alliances. Now is not the time to be shy and introverted. Introduce yourself during breaks and schedule lunch dates with other attendees. (Don’t forget your business cards!) Remember, the person sitting next to you at lunch may just be the one who has the answer or the resource you need. That’s how the Universe works!

Watch this week’s video strategy for all 6 of my strategies to ensure you take time off every year. It’s critical for your success.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

What events have you wanted to attend to further your business growth and personal growth. Find out when they’re happening and invest in yourself by registering. Then, use today’s strategies for getting the most of the event and you’ll start really getting a return on your investment.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

How to Take Time Off From Your BusinessToday I want to talk to you about taking time off, for the sake of your business.

When I first started, I planned out my schedule the way I wanted to live my life. I made it a point to set up my business so that I’d take a full day off per week, a week off per month and at least one month off per year—approximately 18 weeks of vacation per year. (Everybody needs down time to succeed.)

And for a while, that was my life and it was wonderful. I was incredibly productive when I was working and the rejuvenating time off gave me more creativity, until I got busier and busier and started multiplying my business. That’s when I hired full-time employees who counted on me to be there and to drive this train. So I stopped taking as much time off, feeling like I had a job again and I became resentful about it. But not anymore.

Every entrepreneur needs time off in their business to experience success. (Click here to tweet this.)

Let’s be honest. When it’s your business, it’s hard to shut off, right? There is no such thing as a completed to-do list and entrepreneurs often blur the lines between business and personal time. But if you want to be client attractive and you want to multiply your income, whether you’ve been in business for many years or are just ramping up, you must have down time.

Watch this week’s video for my 5 strategies to ensure you take time off every year. It’s critical for your success.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Take the time now to commit to your time off over the next twelve months. Map it out for yourself and enter it onto your calendar. Follow my five strategies to set yourself up for success. Then, give yourself this precious gift of time and watch your business—and your life—flourish.

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

BlogImage4-26-tmAs entrepreneurs, we move quickly in business. We make decisions more quickly than most. We are spontaneous and we have the technology at our fingertips to assist us even further.

But there are times in life and business, when we need to take a step back, slow down and think it through more carefully than usual, especially during those rare times of national, even global crisis. For us as a company, that has happened twice in late 2012 with two tragedies that hit very close to home here in Connecticut, where is headquartered.

Six new guidelines to doing business with dignity, integrity and respect during times of tragedy. (Click here to tweet this.)

Both times—first during Hurricane Sandy (one of the most severe storms to ever hit the East Coast) then again during the Newtown school shootings, our nation experienced deep heartbreak as we watched our neighbors endure severe loss. And both times over that short span of two months, we as a small company with clients to serve, employees to support and year-end goals to meet, were in the middle of a major business launch.

Did we do everything right as a company in response to the tragedies? No. But we’re learning and applying what we’ve learned to our Best Practices so that as a company we can continue to get better at what we do, continue to improve our service to our customers and clients, and to always, always put people first.

Watch this week’s important video for my six new guidelines to doing business with dignity, integrity and respect during times of tragedy.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Take some time to evaluate how you do business during times of crisis—what worked and what didn’t in the past? Use my six guidelines to help you prepare your own checklist. My advice is to do this in advance…before you ever need it.  My team and I would like to extend our sympathies to the city of Boston and to all those who were affected by this recent tragedy. I hope these strategies will help you do business with more authenticity, integrity and love.

How to Use Social Media to Attract More Clients

Unless you’ve been living under a rock lately, when it comes to knowing how to market your business online using the web and the Internet, social media and networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are receiving lots of attention as tools for Client Attraction.

And if you’ve used any of these tools, you can see how it’s easy to spend a lot of (wasted) time there. To attract ideal high paying clients from social media and also build your list of email subscribers, it’s important to remember that that the same rules apply for social media as they do for traditional marketing: give value and build relationships!

“To attract ideal clients using social media, give value and build relationships.”  (Click here to tweet this.)

As you know, here at Client Attraction we teach our clients and students that authentic and compelling marketing is all about PULLING prospects to you. With the use of a compelling marketing message and by offering high-content information that adds value, your audience is motivated to take further action, either by wanting to join your email list or even better – wanting to work with you.

And the same applies with social media marketing. So, when using social media, you want to be crystal clear on how you plan to effectively and strategically use these marketing tools and still remain “Client Attractive.”

Watch this week’s video for three great strategies when it comes to using social media to attract clients. 

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Apply the steps from today’s video with a focus on creating meaningful connections and establishing long-term value. As you do, you’ll cultivate the right relationships and as a result, prospects see you as Client Attractive. Focus on that and you’ll never be without clients, ever again.

Play Big Master Class
Join Fabienne with her guest Jeff Walker for a great conversation on how to play big – in your business and your life. Enjoy!

Jeff Walker has literally transformed the way stuff is sold online. Back in the old days before he started teaching his “Product Launch Formula”, almost no one in the online entrepreneurial world talked about “product launches” and the idea of a “million dollar day” seemed almost ludicrous. But now, in the post-Product Launch Formula world, the million dollar (and multi-million dollar) launches don’t even raise an eyebrow. They’re really nice, but they’ve become almost routine. But Jeff’s techniques are not just for big gurus – he’s now taught thousands of students (who operate in hundreds of niches), and they’ve generated more than $400 million in sales. Along the way, he’s continued to hone his craft – one of Jeff’s personal launches did $1.1 million in sales in the first hour, and almost $4 million in the first 36 hours (along the way, his launches regularly generate $75 per email address… and have gone as high as $209 per email address.)

Think about your email list (or how many people you WILL have on your email list), then multiply the number of people on that list by $75… now you can see what all the excitement is about.

Listen to this Master Class today!

Subscribe to “Play Big Master Class” podcast on iTunes or download the mp3 here.

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How to Create Uncommon Results in BusinessPeople I meet at events around the country always ask me what it takes to create uncommon results in one’s business. I’m talking about the kind of results that astounds everybody around you and makes them say, “Huh? How’d she do that?”

When I share with them what to do, they sometimes think it sounds too simple. I think it’s because most people are waiting for a ninja strategy (and yes, there are plenty and I share the ninja stuff with our students and clients) but it also comes down to doing things in accordance with two laws of success, and they actually go hand in hand.

“There are two lifelong success strategies that all highly successful people adopt.”  (Click here to tweet this.)

That being said, many people don’t give these two lifelong success strategies much thought because they’ve heard them before. They say, yeah, I know that already. And you’ve probably said that too. But do you? You see, I don’t believe you know something until you do it on a daily basis, until it becomes second nature to you. And in business, if you don’t do it daily, then you don’t know it, you’ve only HEARD of it! If you’re not getting results from it day in and day out, then you don’t really know it. Action is key and implementation is crucial, even with the simple stuff.

Watch this week’s strategy for the two lifelong success strategies that ALL highly successful people adopt.


Your Client Attraction Assignment

Identify the specific excuses and fears that hold you back from taking decisive action on the opportunities that are right in front of you. How are they stopping you and what are you going to do about it?

How to Break Through FearI just recently posted a quote about fear on my Facebook page, that got a big response. The quote goes like this, “The key to success is for you to make a habit throughout your life of doing the things you fear.” We all have fears that stop us in business—fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of humiliation, fear of criticism, fear of the unknown—you get the idea.

The list can go on for miles. As you probably know, I’ve worked with thousands of entrepreneurs and I witness how they stop themselves by allowing fear and self-doubt to keep them ‘playing small’ in their business and their lives. The thing is, they’re often not even aware of it. Here’s what I mean… People SAY they want something very badly, that they want a change, and theoretically, that they’d do anything to get it.

Entrepreneurs often allow fear and self-doubt to keep them ‘playing small’ in their business and lives.” (Click here to tweet this.)

But when the rubber meets the road, it’s a totally different story. For many, when it’s time to take action, they’re just not willing to take the steps or do the work that creates the result. It’s that inner self-doubt and all the fear that consistently has them questioning every single move they make in growing their business and their income.

Watch this week’s strategy for the two steps you must take to break through that fear once and for all.

Your Client Attraction Assignment

Ask yourself the following questions. Are you willing to trade short-term discomfort for long-term success? If so, are you willing to go where you have to go? Are you willing to talk to whomever you have to talk to? Are you willing to do what you haven’t done? Are you willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone?

If so, I’ve got great news for you—that is when the clients, the money and all the opportunities show up.

If you loved this concept and want to dive even deeper, click here to join me for a LIVE Video Presentation (it’s totally free) where I will be teaching you my proven process to master your Inner Game.

Play Big Master ClassJoin Fabienne and Marcia Wieder for this inspiring conversation about dreaming bigger dreams for your life and business.  Dream University’s CEO and Founder Marcia Wieder is committed to helping one million dreams come true. The author of 14 books, she has appeared on Oprah, the Today Show and was featured in her own PBS-TV show called Making Your Dreams Come True. As a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle she urged readers to take “The Great Dream Challenge.” She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council along with thought leaders Jack Canfield and John Gray. As past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners she assisted 3 U.S. presidents and serves on the advisory board for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Listen to this Master Class today!

Subscribe to “Play Big Master Class” podcast on iTunes or download the mp3 here.

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You may know that I teach hundreds of our clients and customers each year how to use video to get clients and build their list. One of the questions I get most often is, Derek, why is video such an important part of your marketing and do I really need it? My answer is invariably Yes! You really do need it. You see, video is an essential part of your online marketing strategy, specifically having a video on your website, because it helps you authentically connect with people who visit your website and allows you to engage with them in a very compelling manner. Depending on what you ask them to do in your video, they happily opt-in to join your list or call you to become a client (or both).

“Video helps you authentically connect and engage with prospects in a very compelling manner, turning them into clients quickly” (Click here to tweet this.)

Now, I know what you’re probably saying… But Derek, I don’t even know where to start with video… all the different equipment and technology that exists, I’m confused. Do I even have what it takes to create good videos? Is that you? Are you feeling stuck when it comes to doing video? Well, with everything that’s available at our fingertips with video technology and the world of online virtual assistance, there is really no reason you cannot use video on your website.

Why is video so important for list building? Video allows you to interact with your prospects better than anything else – except for face-to-face interaction, of course. And unless you can figure out some magic way to appear in person every time someone visits your website – you’ll want to use video, in a strategic way. There are three important elements of shooting a video that I want to share with you, specifically.

Watch this week’s strategy to help you get up and running with video for marketing your business in no time.


Your Client Attraction Assignment

Ask yourself: how am I using video in my marketing? If you don’t have a video on your website that will help you when it comes to connecting with your website visitors and building your list, I strongly suggest you consider adding video to your marketing efforts as soon as possible.

We’ve been using video now here at for a few years now on our website. It has been a game-changer not only for helping us build our list, but also attracting more ideal clients in droves and adding a lot to our bottom line. It’s time you do the same…


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