client attraction - more clients in record time... every time!

Fabienne Fredrickson
Your Client Attraction Mentor

Line Personal Note

ISSN# 1948-1667
July 1, 2011

Yesterday, with my new Sapphire client extraordinaire, Tara Marino, on the porch of my home, recapping our amazing in-person time together

It's been a really heart-warming week, starting with a FULL DAY in-person meeting with my new Diamond level client Heather Dominick. Last year, I had the pleasure of working with her twice at the Sapphire level where we took Heather just shy of the million-dollar mark...and she's back for more, having just upgraded to the highest level of access and mentorship, the Diamond program. Our day of mentoring was outstanding and she received so much sophisticated marketing strategy and big vision from both Derek and me. Watch her continued success, it's beautiful to witness her stepping into her next evolution (you can view an inspiring video of us discussing what she received during her full day meeting on my Facebook page.)

Next came the Bonus Day for some of my Winners Academy clients, a day we affectionately call "Fabienne Unplugged". It was held at the Yacht Club, on a beautiful sunny day and we created many, many breakthroughs together… truly amazing.

And finally, yesterday, I had the pleasure of hosting my new Sapphire level client Tara Marino of Elegant Femme. Tara and her husband Dave flew in from France for our half-day strategy meeting and we mapped out a plan to easily triple her income— in the next six months, well exceeding her existing goals (and she's already got a really good business and income, so it's going to be fun.) Keep on eye on Tara… She's going places quickly, and although she creates similar strategies with her own clients, she recognizes that we cannot do it for ourselves, just as we can't give ourselves a really good haircut. We ALL must get very high-level mentoring if we want to grow quickly and gracefully. We'll post a video of us recapping our day on the Winners Academy site shortly.

Oh, and just wanted to remind you...

I'm going on TOUR this July across four different US cities teaching my latest mindset secrets to help you create the life and business of your dreams. It's a full afternoon and evening of ME teaching YOU the secrets to increasing your income, dramatically, by using proven internal mindset principles. And I'm doing this all for the no-brainer price of $45!

Have you registered yet? Make sure you take action today if you're planning to join me because seats at this low price are going really fast (we're already over 50% full so don't say I didn't warn you!) Register, book your flight, gather all your friends who have their own businesses and road trip to see me. I want to see you in person and teach you my best Mindset Strategies this July.

This week's Client Attraction article:
Skip the Marketing Jargon to Attract More Paying Clients

Many people get tempted to use the fancy phrases that they use on a regular basis, in their marketing materials. Problem is they end up speaking "above" their prospects' heads and confusing them. I see this use of jargon all too often when visiting people's websites and in networking groups. My impression is there's a lack of confidence in there somewhere and people are trying to compensate by trying to sound overly professional or fancy. Read this week's article to find out why it's so important to skip the jargon once and for all.

Have a fun weekend and I will "see" you next week, OK? Until then, happy Client Attraction and big hugs to you!


Fabienne Fredrickson
Your Client Attraction Mentor

PS: A great big Welcome! to all the new readers who joined our Client Attraction community since last week! You are going to love the resources you will find here to help you get more clients...Enjoy!

Millionaire Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets (almost sold out…)

Have you signed up to join me on my Mindset Tour yet? If not, be sure to watch my video. We're already 50% sold out for some of the US cities so please don't –I don't want you to miss out!

I'll be visiting 4 different cities, all THIS month and seats are going fast!

Here's the deal—once you learn to shift the internal mindset barriers that are sabotaging your success, you have the ability to be prosperous and to multiply your revenues, over and over again, with ease–but only when you get to the root of what's holding you back.

So join me (at a no-brainer of a price of $45) for a full afternoon and evening of ME teaching YOU the secrets I personally used to transform my business and multiply my in-come, dramatically, by using proven internal mindset principles. Not only do I use these principles daily to keep doubling my business practically every year, but many of my private students are doing the same.

Watch the video, get all the details, (including tour dates and locations) and register right here:
Go here to see all the details and view the video.

"What Fabienne has taught me is literally making my dreams come true."

"Before working with Fabienne I was hoping NEXT year would be better. I was hoping that the clients I worked with would refer me to others. I was hoping that I could raise my prices by 10% and that I wouldn't lose business. I was making less than $40K per year doing what I loved and I didn't think that I would EVER make more than $150K.

Now I regularly EXPECT massive success. I expect clients to book my TOP package and they do. I expect new ideas to expand my business to come and they do. And I expect that I will raise my prices again before the end of the year, and I will!

When I began working with Fabienne one of my goals was to make enough money so would could comfortably start a family. At first, that seemed like a big stretch. Now we're expecting in December! And we're looking at Manhattan apartments 3 times the price we bought our current apartment for 3 years ago. I NEVER thought that my lifestyle would expand so much in such a short amount of time. What Fabienne has taught me is literally making my dreams come true.

One of the biggest mind shifts for me is how Fabienne helped me see myself SO MUCH bigger than I was seeing myself before. Seeing and believing myself to be much bigger has elevated me in the photography community, raised my prices (again!) expanded my business to include info-products and training programs, so much more than I ever saw myself being able to do.

Her "open book" approach to sharing what's worked for her makes it easy to see that it works. She is the mentor and role model I always wished for. Someone down to earth and approachable who is creating massive success for herself, her family and her clients."

Christopher Duggan
www.thresholdvisions .com

For more Mindset Retreat success stories, videos and details of The 'Inner Game of Abundance' Mindset Retreat, go here.


Your next Inner Circle Special Topic Call is Tuesday July 5, 4 pm ET

The "Cash Injection" Model: Creative ways of bringing in "Quick Cash" in your business right now

Entrepreneurs are known to have LOTS of ideas, a constant flow of ideas, but not always the means of making them happen. Sadly, so many of those ideas just stop there. But what would happen if you could quickly transform your big idea into a bucket-loader of cash--directly into your bank account. On this unprecedented teaching call, my good friend and Internet Marketing genius Tellman Knudsen and I discuss a creative grass-roots movement for quickly bringing in the financial-resources you need right now, especially if you're an Entrepreneur, Inventor, Creative, Writer, Author, Musician, or anyone with a ton of great ideas who wants to get paid what they deserve for all their "hair-brained schemes", as he calls them. Need to bring in quick-cash right now? Then don't miss this never-before-done call! It may just change your life!

This call is ONLY for Inner Circle members. Not a member yet? Join now to access this call with Fabienne's FREE 2-month Membership trial (plus a small shipping/handling fee).

Skip the Marketing Jargon to Attract More Paying Clients

Many people get tempted to use the fancy phrases that they use on a regular basis, in their marketing materials. Problem is they end up speaking "above" their prospects' heads.

I see this use of jargon all too often when visiting people's websites and in networking groups. My impression is there's a lack of confidence in there somewhere and people are trying to compensate by trying to sound overly professional or fancy. Well, the result is that not only are people's eyes glazing over, they're also probably losing lots of potential clients that way, and not to mention, lots of potential referrals.

Only people in your industry know what you mean when you use fancy words that are meant to exclude, rather than include. A potential client is not always part of YOUR industry and as such, they won't really understand all the technical stuff. Besides, they don't care WHAT you do, remember? They only care about what you can do for THEM.

So, skip the jargon, will you? It's time to pretend that your audience and referral partners are 6-year olds, and not as an insult, but rather, as a way to have what you say be:
  1. memorable
  2. easy to understand
  3. repeatable
That's why I don't talk about fancy marketing plans or closing-the-sale scripts in my own marketing materials. All I basically talk about is, More Clients, In Record Time and Consistently.

Client example: A couple of years ago, a client came to me saying he was having a difficult time getting additional clients, mostly, getting attention from his prospects long enough to turn them into paying clients.

Instead of talking on the prospect's level, this client was speaking in nothing but jargon and he realized it was becoming a big turnoff. Basically, business was literally slipping through his fingers because of it.

Once I explained to him what was going on, he switched his marketing message from providing complicated "fiduciary and 401K services" to "taking the financial piles of paper off the desks of HR people," and guess what? Yup, he has more business than he can handle now. (I love this client. He totally GOT it, once I pointed it out. Whenever I see him, we now laugh about "fiduciary.")

Your Assignment:

Make sure you phrase your marketing message and claim in everyday terms, preferably results. Practice on a 6-year old child, if you can. Tell the child your marketing message and ask them to tell you what you do.

Believe me; kids are smarter than most adults are on this stuff, so if they can't repeat it, your prospects and referral sources probably won't know what you do either. It all comes down to K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, sweetheart!).

By the way, there are dozens of worksheets in the Client Attraction Home Study System™ that will help you create a marketing message that will appeal to the right types of clients for you. You'll also learn how to decipher what makes your business remarkable enough for others to talk about, how to create Raving Fans so you get clients to call YOU, and lots of other crucial stuff to help you fill your practice really quickly. You can read more about it and get a copy at (Why struggle when you can just attract clients easily?)
© 2011 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine?

No problem! But here is what you MUST include:

Derek Fredrickson, The Authentic Internet Marketing Specialist, is CEO and head Online Marketing Coach for clients of Client Attraction. To get your F.R.E.E. Audio CD by mail and receive weekly marketing & success mindset articles on attracting more high-paying clients and dramatically increasing your income, visit

where's Derek

eWomenNetwork Conference
July 14-17, 2011
Dallas, TX

I'm thrilled to be speaking at this year's eWomenNetwork Conference July 14-17 in Dallas, Texas when I will present "How to Attract all the Clients You'll Ever Want and Join the Top 5% of Women Business Owners." eWomenNetwork is recognized as the #1 resource for connecting and promoting women and their businesses worldwide. Please consider this my personal invitation to see me speak at this year's eWomenNetwork Conference. And as a featured speaker at the conference, I'm able to share a special registration discount code with you. I only have a few to give out so if you're interested in coming to the event at a discounted rate, email my team at to request yours today. See you in July. This is going to be an amazing event for all women entrepreneurs! I can hardly wait.

July 14-17, Speaking at the eWomen Network Conference, Dallas, TX (more info)
July 18, Mindset Road Tour Stop, Dallas, TX (more info)
July 21, Mindset Road Tour Stop, New York City, NY (more info)
July 26, Mindset Road Tour Stop, Atlanta, GA (more info)
July 28, Mindset Road Tour Stop, Los Angeles, CA (more info)
Aug 16-17, Genius Network Mastermind, New York, NY
where's Derek
Aug 16-17, Genius Network Mastermind, New York, NY

LineFabienne in the Media
June 30 2011

Investor's Business Daily
Featured in the "Sweat for that Progress" segment
June 30 2011
It's an Info-Marketing PARTY and you're invited!
To celebrate the launch of the second edition of Robert Skrob's Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing, he's bringing together the Who's Who of the info-marketing world for an info-packed party on! I'm excited to be joining Dan Kennedy, Alex Mandossian, Yanik Silver and many more for this power-packed event. Don't miss it! Check out all the details and register here:


Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of, a company devoted to teaching women around the world how to consistently attract ideal, high-paying clients, put their marketing on autopilot and authentically create a highly successful and meaningful business, while working less.

Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Fabienne shows her students how to experience freedom inside and out and create an abundant life they love.

To begin experiencing Fabienne's coaching, you can enjoy 2 months of her Client Attraction Inner Circle, at no charge, beginning right now (plus a small shipping/handling fee).

If you liked today's issue, you will love Fabienne's high-content marketing and mindset training products to help you attract clients -- and upgrade your mindset -- to stop taking teeny tiny incremental steps in your business and instead take quantum leaps in creating an abundant life you love.


Derek Fredrickson is CEO and head Online Marketing Coach for clients of He specializes in coaching entrepreneurs on how to attract more clients and multiply their current revenues through online lead generation, list building, internet marketing, building traffic, social media strategies, video, product launches, online marketing sequences, search engine optimization and pay-per-click. He also guides private clients on setting up profit-generating membership sites and creating information products for passive and leveraged-in-come.

Through products and private coaching, Derek shows his clients how to master the online marketing they need to dramatically increase their reach and business results. To contact Derek for more information and to set up a get-acquainted session, please contact him at


You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including our contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!

If you are new to this newsletter and would like to receive valuable Client Attraction marketing and success mindset tips by email each week, you can register here.

The Client Attraction SystemTM Newsletter is written by Fabienne Fredrickson and If you have any questions or comments, please send them to:
PO Box 62
Stamford, CT 06904

2011 Client Attraction LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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