Two methods for publishing your book: which is right for you?

Two methods for publishing your book: which is right for you?

Fabienne Fredrickson
February 19, 2015

two-methods-for-publishing-your-book-which-is-right-for-youDo you have a story inside you, waiting to be shared with the world? Many people have something to say and writing a book is a wonderful way to share that information with your audience. Being an author can help build your business in several powerful ways:

• Build credibility in your chosen field
• Establish yourself as a thought leader
• Set yourself apart from other business owners
• Open doors for speaking opportunities
• Achieve a passive revenue stream
• Work as a highly valuable Irresistible Offer

Since there are so many benefits to becoming an author, you can see why people take on this project. Once written, you’ll need to decide how to publish your book. There are two main ways to go:

1. Traditional publishing through one of the big book publishers (like Random House)
2. Self-publishing on your own or through a professional service

Traditional Publishing
The traditional route requires finding an agent to represent you. Once on board, your agent will pitch your book to publishers. They will edit, design, print and advertise your book to merchants who will buy it for their retail stores.

If you get accepted, this method will get your book on-shelf at the major books stores across the country. However, there are some drawbacks to following this path. For example, it can take years from the time you get an agent, land a publishing deal and see the book in stores. Publishing companies tend not to give big advances, especially for an unknown author, and your piece of the profit for each book is relatively small. Most authors don’t earn a living from their books.

With self-publishing, once your manuscript has been written, you can choose to work with a service like Author House which will help you get the entire design and printing process done as well as gain some distribution, all for a fee.

Or if you have resources to do it yourself, you can open a Create Space account, which is an arm of Amazon, to print your books for a very low fee and help with distribution as a separate cost. You will make more money per book, although you may sell fewer books since the distribution will not be as substantial as with traditional publishing.

The big advantage is timing. It takes only a few months to get from a finished manuscript to a printed book in your hands. So, if you have a message that is timely, self-publishing could be the smartest way to go.

Now that you know the two main methods for publishing, you can investigate which route will work best for you.

Your Client Attraction Assignment
Thinking about writing a book? If you have a message you want to share with the world, my advice is to find time to write every day. Even it it’s just 30 minutes, five days a week, you’ll get it done. The main roadblock is that the process requires consistent effort. So, little by little, your book will come alive. Have fun with it!

This is just one of the many best practices we dive deep into with the students of The Client Attraction Business School, the premier training school for growth-minded entrepreneurs looking to quickly attract more clients and make more money. If you’re interested in finding out more, visit for more details. To speak to an enrollment coach, click here.

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