January 2010 - Page 2 of 2 - Small Business Coach, Women Business Coaching - Client Attraction

It’s a phenomenon that happens to most people in business for themselves after a few years. When solo-entrepreneurs first get started in marketing their business, they have gusto, they have energy, and many take a no-excuses approach to getting clients. They’re WILLING to do what it takes, and they do it often (most of them).

But after a few years, they begin to rest on their laurels, they get lazy, and after a while, they stop doing what they used to do to get clients. Some stop networking; some stop doing free intro classes, either in person or over the phone; some no longer do as much speaking as they used to. They’ve slowed down their marketing, and then they wonder what’s happened to their pipeline: it’s empty.


I think you’ll really like this preview video about our all new Working With Your Spouse DVD program. Read more at www.WorkingWithYourSpouse.com

Discover the Hidden Secrets to Successfully Working With Your Spouse: Getting Your Spouse to Believe In You and Live The Entrepreneurial Family Lifestyle

We revealed ALL our simple-to-implement secrets, step by step at our recent Client Attraction ‘Working With Your Spouse’ closed-door seminar.

If you missed it… you can get all of the same powerful information of the sold-out workshop in our new Working With Your Spouse Product (including all DVD’s and CD’s of live event).

“Many entrepreneurs I’ve met get comfortable doing only one or two marketing things and then focus on them to the exclusion of others. Essentially, they put all their marketing eggs in ONE basket and hope for the best. Yet, we know that most successful entrepreneurs use DOZENS of Client Attraction techniques simultaneously to PULL clients in (I do). Instead of focusing on only one or two ways to get clients, it’s time to diversify your Marketing Portfolio and make sure you’ve got clients coming in from LOTS of different sources. I call this creating your Marketing Pie.”

I cover the Ultimate Marketing Pie in depth and give you my own cheat-sheet blueprint of what you need to do to diversify your marketing at the www.ClientAttractionWorkshop.com.

You probably already have a website to market your business, but the real question is, is it REALLY working for you? Be honest: does your website pull in your ideal clients consistently?

Unfortunately, most websites fall short of bringing in ANY new potential clients. The good news is, the secrets to a Client Attractive website are simple to implement IF you know what they are, and with just a few changes to your current website, you too can see your pipeline of clients fill itself very quickly, with little effort on your part.

On this month’s special topic call, you’ll discover the 5 reasons your current website isn’t working, how to create an irresistible offer to attract those ideal clients and how you can easily let your website all do the work for you. If you suspect that your own website isn’t automatically attracting your ideal clients to you, do whatever you can to be on this call!


–> DON’T MISS January’s Client Attraction INNER CIRCLE Call…

TUESDAY, January 5th, 2010, 4:00pm Eastern (NY) time (that’s 1pm Pacific, 2pm Mountain, 3pm Central.)

In practice building (and getting clients) it seems to be that most self-employed people just hope for the best. They simply keep doing what they’ve been doing and don’t have a strategy for creating the practice they’d be truly and deeply happy with. This is a big mistake in my opinion.

I used to write down my goals each year, but it never really worked for me. I just didn’t feel really excited about my new goals. They didn’t seem to propel me in motion and so I kind of viewed them as being useless. I never really looked at them, probably because they seemed like “shoulds” rather than “really-meaningful-wants.”



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Find out how to use my step-by-step Client Attraction methods so you can be a success.


Get in touch with us by filling out the information below and one of our caring Enrollment Coaches will be happy to contact you to set up a time to chat and see if we can help…
